depends on boost, rapidjson, utfcpp, uri.
On linux, install boost
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
On Mac, install boost on Mac
$ brew install boost
Building with
$ mkdir _build
$ cd _build
$ cmake -DUri_BUILD_TESTS=OFF ..
$ make -j4
- Open cmd or powershell and generate visual studio project with
mkdir _build
cd _build
"cmake -help" is useful if you are not familiar with cmake.
Build it with Visual Studio.
Some code from :cquery
For any merges into the master branch, ensure the C++ code complies with the clang-format standard. As of currently, the latest clang-format version offered in ubuntu 24.04 (18) is used, but this may change in the future as newer versions of clang-format is available for Ubuntu.
To check the current version of clang-format used, see the check-format-cpp workflow. It prints out the version used. Ensure the C++ code is compliant with that version of clang-format.
is optionally provided for convenience. It is not required for compiling LspCpp.