(Under Submission)
Following commands explain test time defense of target model Resnet18 trained on CIFAR10 dataset. Arbitary model is also Resnet18. Arbitrary dataset is FMNIST.
python train_model.py --dataset cifar10 --batch_size 32 --lr 0.01 --image_size 32 --epochs 100 --model_name resnet18 --save_path <checkpoint_output_path> --wandb
python train_model.py --dataset fmnist --batch_size 64 --lr 0.01 --image_size 32 --epochs 50 --model_name resnet18 --save_path <checkpoint_output_path> --wandb
python train_arbitary_detector.py --name source_detector --dataroot clean_data/fmnist --dataset fmnist --batch_size 128 --model_name resnet18 --model_path <arbitar model path> --attack pgd --gpu 0 --method vanila --epochs 10 --seed 0 --use_wandb
Arbitary detector is saved in same directory as that of arbitary model.
This command evaluates the performance of Target model with DAD++ defense. For each test set, we adapt the source detector to target detector. Using the target detector and correction module, the clean and adversarial accuracy of model is computed.
python combined.py --dataset cifar10 --batch_size 64 --model_name resnet18 --model_path <target_model_path> --detector_path <arbitary_detector_path> --attacks pgd --method vanila --gpu 0 --droprate 0.005 --seed 0 --lr 0.005 --epochs 10 --s_dataset fmnist --ent_par 0.8 --cls_par 0.3 --correction_batch_size 256 --r_range 16 --soft_detection_r 32 --log_path ./logs/logs_imbalanced.txt --pop 10 --retrain_detector --recreate_adv_data --use_wandb
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