Changelog for reva 1.22.0 (2022-12-31)
The following sections list the changes in reva 1.22.0 relevant to
reva users. The changes are ordered by importance.
- Fix cs3org#3528: Fix expired authenticated public link error code
- Fix cs3org#3121: Add missing domain normalization to mentix provider authorizer
- Enh cs3org#3565: Migrate the litmus tests from Drone to GitHub Actions
Bugfix cs3org#3528: Fix expired authenticated public link error code
On an expired authenticated public link, the error returned was 401 unauthorized, behaving
differently from a not-authenticated one, that returns 404 not found. This has been fixed,
returning 404 not found. -
Bugfix cs3org#3121: Add missing domain normalization to mentix provider authorizer
The Mentix OCM Provider authorizer lacked provider domain normalization. This led to
incorrect provider domain matching when authorizing OCM providers. -
Enhancement cs3org#3565: Migrate the litmus tests from Drone to GitHub Actions
We've migrated the litmusOcisOldWebdav and the litmusOcisNewWebdav tests from Drone to
GitHub Actions.