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Specification and client configuration for the Vana network

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Vana PoS Network Validator Setup

This guide will help you set up a validator node for the Vana Proof-of-Stake (PoS) network using Docker.


Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd vana
  2. Configure your environment:

    # For Moksha testnet
    cp .env.moksha.example .env
    # OR for Mainnet
    cp .env.mainnet.example .env
    # Edit .env with your preferred text editor
  3. Start your node:

    docker compose --profile init --profile node up -d
  4. Verify your node is running:

    # View logs for key services
    docker compose logs -f geth    # Execution client
    docker compose logs -f beacon  # Consensus client

đź’ˇ Tip: Check out the Fast Syncing section below to significantly speed up your initial node sync!

Note: If services fail to start, check the configuration validation logs:

docker compose logs check-config-node

Validator Setup

Once your node is fully synced, follow these steps to set up and run a validator.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Running a validator on the Vana network requires whitelisting. Please join our Discord to request validator permissions before proceeding with setup.

  1. Configure validator settings in .env:

    # Configure validator settings
  2. Set up validator keys:

    If you have existing keys:

    • Place keystore files in ./secrets
    • Create wallet_password.txt and account_password.txt in ./secrets
    # Import existing keys
    docker compose run --rm validator-import

    If you need new keys:

    # Generate new keys
    docker compose run --rm validator-keygen
    # Import generated keys
    docker compose run --rm validator-import

    If you need to generate new keys for more than one validator, set NUM_VALIDATORS to the number of new validators in .env.

  3. Submit deposits (if not done already):

    # Add deposit private key
    echo "your_private_key" > ./secrets/deposit_private_key.txt
    # Submit deposits
    docker compose run --rm submit-deposits
  4. Configure validator statistics reporting:

    # Set stats configuration in .env
    INSTANCE_NAME="Your Validator Name"
    VALIDATOR_PUBLIC_KEY=0x...  # Your validator's public key

    Get your validator's public key using either method:

    # Method 1: From deposit data
    cat ./secrets/deposit_data-*.json | jq -r '.[0].pubkey'
    # Method 2: List validator accounts
    docker compose --profile init run --rm validator accounts list --wallet-dir=/vana/wallet

    View your node's statistics at Your node will appear under the name specified in INSTANCE_NAME.

  5. Start the validator:

    docker compose --profile validator up -d

    Note: If the validator fails to start, check the configuration validation logs:

    docker compose logs check-config-validator

Validator Voluntary Exit

To voluntarily exit your validator, ensure your beacon node is fully synced and run:

docker compose --profile init run --rm validator-exit

This service requires account_password.txt and wallet_password.txt in the secrets folder.

Important: Exiting your validator is permanent and cannot be reversed. This only signals your intent to exit - it does not withdraw funds. For withdrawal functionality, see the withdrawal documentation.

Validator Approval Process

Before proceeding with setup, you must get your validator whitelisted:

  1. Join the Vana Discord and request validator permissions

  2. Generate your validator keys following the Validator Setup section

  3. Submit your validator's public key for whitelisting through Discord

  4. Wait for confirmation before proceeding with deposits and starting your validator

Fast Syncing

There are two recommended methods to speed up your initial node sync:

1. Checkpoint Sync

Checkpoint sync is the recommended way to quickly sync your node. You will need:

  1. A trusted beacon node that serves checkpoint syncing (checkpoint sync URL)
  2. A specific block root and epoch number that you wish to sync to (weak subjectivity checkpoint)

Configure them in your .env file:

# Use appropriate URL for your network

# Replace with actual checkpoint from a trusted source
WEAK_SUBJECTIVITY_CHECKPOINT=0x0000...0000:0  # block root:epoch number

Then uncomment these lines in docker-compose.yml under the beacon service:

- --weak-subjectivity-checkpoint=${WEAK_SUBJECTIVITY_CHECKPOINT}
- --checkpoint-sync-url=${TRUSTED_BEACON_NODE_URL}
- --genesis-beacon-api-url=${TRUSTED_BEACON_NODE_URL}

2. Syncing from a Public Snapshot

For a fast initial sync, you can also restore a recent publicly available backup. See the Backup and Restore section for detailed instructions on downloading and restoring snapshots.


Environment Variables

Edit the .env file to configure your node. Key variables include:

  • NETWORK: Choose between moksha (testnet) or mainnet
  • CHAIN_ID: Network chain ID
  • EXTERNAL_IP: Your node's external IP address
  • Various port configurations for different services

Ensure all required variables are set correctly before proceeding.

Verifying Your Setup

After starting your services, you can check the logs to ensure everything is running correctly:

  1. View logs for all services:

    docker compose logs
  2. View logs for specific key services:

    docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs -f geth
    docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs -f beacon
    docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs -f validator
  3. To follow logs in real-time and filter for specific patterns:

    docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs -f geth 2>&1 | grep 'Looking for peers'
    docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs -f beacon 2>&1 | grep 'Synced new block'
    docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs -f validator 2>&1 | grep 'Submitted new'

When reviewing logs, look for:

  • Geth (execution layer): Messages about peer connections and syncing progress
  • Beacon Chain: Indications of connection to the network and slot processing
  • Validator: Messages about duties being performed and contributions submitted

If you see error messages or unexpected behavior in the logs, refer to the troubleshooting section or seek support.


If you encounter issues:

  1. Ensure all configuration files are present and correctly formatted.
  2. Check individual service logs for specific error messages.
  3. Verify that your .env file contains all necessary variables.
  4. Run the configuration check:
    docker compose run --rm check-config
  5. For connection issues, check your firewall settings and ensure the necessary ports are open.
  6. If services fail to start, try restarting them individually:
    docker compose restart <service_name>

Security Considerations

  • Securely store your validator keys and never share them.
  • Regularly update your node software to the latest version.
  • Monitor your validator's performance and status regularly.

For additional help or to report issues, please open an issue in the GitHub repository or contact the Vana support team.

Advanced Usage

The docker-compose.yml file provides several additional capabilities for managing your Vana PoS validator node. Here are some useful commands and their purposes:


Different profiles are available for various operations:

  • init: Initialize clients, generate secrets
  • node: Run the main node services
  • validator: Run validator-specific services
  • manual: For manual operations like key generation
  • delete: Delete data, e.g. to reset the chain so you can re-sync
  • public: Expose APIs securely via Caddy reverse proxy (ports 80/443)

You can combine profiles as needed. Whenever a service depends on another service, you must include the dependent profile.

For example, to start the node, you must include the init and node profiles:

docker compose --profile init --profile node up -d

For example, to run the node with public API access:

docker compose --profile init --profile node --profile public up -d

Or to start/stop just the API gateway:

docker compose --profile init --profile node --profile public up -d caddy
docker compose --profile init --profile node --profile public down caddy

Key Management

Generate validator keys (interactive process):

docker compose --profile init run --rm validator-keygen

Import validator keys:

docker compose run --rm validator-import

Deleting Data

To delete all data/ (does not remove generated secrets/):

docker compose --profile delete run --rm delete-all

To delete execution or consensus layer data:

docker compose --profile delete run --rm delete-geth
docker compose --profile delete run --rm delete-beacon

Configuration Check

Run a configuration check:

docker compose --profile=init --profile=node run --rm check-config

Individual Services

You can start, stop, or restart individual services:

docker compose --profile=init --profile=node up -d geth
docker compose --profile=init --profile=node stop beacon
docker compose --profile=init --profile=node restart validator

Viewing Logs

View logs for specific services:

docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs geth
docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs beacon
docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs validator

Add -f to follow the logs in real-time:

docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs -f geth

Use grep to filter for specific events:

docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs -f geth 2>&1 | grep 'Looking for peers'
docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs -f beacon 2>&1 | grep 'Synced new block'
docker compose --profile=init --profile=node logs -f validator 2>&1 | grep 'Submitted new'

Environment Variables

Remember that many settings are controlled via environment variables in the .env file. You can modify these to adjust your node's configuration.

For more detailed information on Docker Compose commands and options, refer to the official Docker Compose documentation.

Submitting Deposits

After generating validator keys and before starting your validator, you need to submit deposits for each validator. This process stakes your ETH and registers your validator(s) with the network.

  1. Ensure you have the following environment variables set in your .env file:

    • DEPOSIT_RPC_URL: The RPC URL for the network on which you're submitting deposits
    • DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: The address of the deposit contract
  2. Run the deposit submission process with the private key of the account funding the deposits:

    DEPOSIT_PRIVATE_KEY="your_private_key_here" docker compose run --rm submit-deposits

    Replace your_private_key_here with the actual private key.

    This command will iterate through all generated validator keys and submit the required deposits.

  3. Wait for the transactions to be confirmed on the network before proceeding to start your validator.

For more detailed information on Docker Compose commands and options, refer to the official Docker Compose documentation.

Using the API Gateway

The validator node exposes its APIs through a Caddy reverse proxy for secure HTTPS access. By default, it uses localhost but you can configure a custom domain in your .env file. The provided Caddyfile configuration is a basic starting point and may need additional security headers and hardening for production use.

Domain Setup

If using a custom domain:

  1. Point your domain's DNS to your server's IP address
  2. Ensure ports 80 and 443 are open on your firewall
  3. Set your domain and email (for Let's Encrypt) in the .env file

API Access Control

The API gateway implements the following access controls:

  • Public endpoints:
    • Execution layer: All JSON-RPC endpoints (POST /)
    • Consensus layer: Limited set of beacon endpoints including genesis, headers, validator info, and node status
  • Private endpoints (localhost and trusted IPs only):
    • All other consensus layer endpoints under /eth/*
    • Configure trusted IPs via RPC_TRUSTED_IP_RANGES in .env

Local Testing

For local testing, you can access the APIs using curl with the -k flag to skip certificate verification:

# Query beacon node identity (public endpoint)
curl -k -X GET 'https://localhost/eth/v1/node/identity' -H 'accept: application/json'

# Query execution node info (public endpoint)
curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"admin_nodeInfo","params":[],"id":1}' \

Installing Local CA Certificate

You can also install Caddy's root CA certificate on your host machine:


docker compose cp \
    caddy:/data/caddy/pki/authorities/local/root.crt \
    /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/root.crt \
  && sudo update-ca-certificates


docker compose cp \
    caddy:/data/caddy/pki/authorities/local/root.crt \
    /tmp/root.crt \
  && sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot \
    -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain /tmp/root.crt


docker compose cp \
    caddy:/data/caddy/pki/authorities/local/root.crt \
    %TEMP%/root.crt \
  && certutil -addstore -f "ROOT" %TEMP%/root.crt

Note: Many modern browsers maintain their own certificate trust stores. You may need to manually import the root.crt file in your browser's security settings.

Troubleshooting SSL

If you encounter SSL-related issues:

  1. Check Caddy logs:
    docker compose logs caddy
  2. Verify your domain points to your server's IP address
  3. Confirm ports 80 and 443 aren't used by other services
  4. Check your firewall allows traffic on ports 80 and 443

Backup and Restore

The setup includes services for backing up and restoring your node data. You can also use provided snapshots for faster sync.

Using Provided Snapshots

To quickly sync your node using provided snapshots:

  1. Download and verify snapshots:

    # Download snapshot files (replace DATE with actual date, e.g., 20241104)
    # Verify checksums
    md5sum -c *.md5
  2. Extract snapshots to the backups directory:

    zstd -d geth-chaindata-DATE.tar.zst -o "backups/geth_backup_DATE.dat"
    zstd -d beacon-chaindata-DATE.tar.zst -o "backups/beaconchain_DATE.db"
  3. Restore the snapshots:

    # For Geth (requires interactive terminal)
    docker compose run -it --rm geth-restore
    # For Beacon chain (requires interactive terminal)
    docker compose run -it --rm beacon-restore

Note: make sure you trust the snapshot provider and verify the checksums before restoring!

Manual Backups

To create and restore manual backups of your node data:

Geth (Execution Client) Backup

To perform a backup of your Geth data, ensure that the geth service is stopped, then run:

docker compose --profile backup run --rm geth-backup

This will create a timestamped backup file in the ./backups directory.

Beacon Chain Backup

To perform a backup of your Beacon Chain data, ensure that the beacon service is stopped, then run:

docker compose --profile backup run --rm beacon-backup

This creates a timestamped copy of the Beacon Chain database in the ./backups directory.

Validator Backup

The validator backup can be triggered while the validator service is running:

docker compose --profile backup run --rm validator-backup

This sends a request to the validator service to create a backup, which will be stored in the ./backups directory.


Before performing any restore operations, ensure that the respective services are stopped.

Geth (Execution Client) Restore

To restore Geth data:

docker compose --profile restore run --rm geth-restore

You'll be prompted to select a backup file to restore from.

Beacon Chain Restore

To restore Beacon Chain data:

docker compose --profile restore run --rm beacon-restore

You'll be prompted to select a backup file to restore from.

Validator Restore

To restore Validator data:

docker compose --profile restore run --rm validator-restore

You'll be prompted to select a backup file to restore from.

Important Notes

  • Remember your password and separately backup your keystore(s)!
  • Performing backups while services are running risks corrupting the backup, with the exception of the validator backup.
  • After restoring data, you may need to resync your node to catch up with the latest state of the network.

CORS Configuration

The API gateway includes CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to control which domains can access the API. By default, it allows all origins (*) but this can be restricted:

  1. Set allowed origins in your .env file:
# Allow specific origins (comma-separated)

# Or allow all origins (default)
  1. When setting specific origins:
    • Credentials will be allowed (Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true)
    • Preflight requests are automatically handled
    • Methods are limited to GET, POST, OPTIONS
    • Only Content-Type header is allowed
    • Preflight responses are cached for 24 hours

Security Note: Using * for CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS is acceptable for public RPC nodes but not recommended for nodes handling sensitive operations. Always restrict origins in production environments.

Version Management

This repository follows Conventional Commits. Each commit message must be structured as:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

Types that affect versioning:

  • fix: for bug fixes (PATCH)
  • feat: for new features (MINOR)
  • Any commit with ! after type/scope or with BREAKING CHANGE: footer (MAJOR)

Other valid types include: build:, chore:, ci:, docs:, perf:, refactor:, style:, test:


feat(api)!: change default ports for all services

The default ports for geth, beacon, and validator services have been updated
to avoid conflicts with common system services.

BREAKING CHANGE: Users must update their firewall rules and client configurations


Specification and client configuration for the Vana network






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