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A monitoring solution for Hyperliquid nodes using Prometheus, Grafana and hyperliquid-exporter.
- Custom Prometheus exporter for Hyperliquid nodes
- Pre-configured Grafana dashboards
- Dockerized setup for ease of deployment
Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed:
sudo apt install -y docker docker-compose
This setup is meant to run on the same machine as your HL node since hyperliquid-exporter relies on log file scraping to generate metrics for prometheus.
git clone https://github.com/validaoxyz/purrmetheus.git
cd purrmetheus
Copy .env.sample
to .env
and fill in the values
cp .env.sample .env
nano .env
bash generate_config.sh
cd docker
docker-compose up -d
Grafana will be available on port 3000
To access your dashboard:
- Ensure your firewall allows port
- Visit
and log in using credentials from your.env
- Grafana Dashboards: Located in grafana/dashboards/.
- Prometheus Configuration: Files located in prometheus/.
- Exporter Code: validaoxyz/hyperliquid-exporter.
Docs (for now -- on metrics) can be found under docs/
Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please submit a PR or open an issue on GitHub.