pre-requisite: Download the stride binary from github repo(, add admin address to stride daemon utils/admins.go
package utils
var Admins = map[string]bool{
"stride1k8c2m5cn322akk5wy8lpt87dd2f4yh9azg7jlh": true, // F5
"stride10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700jefnezl": true, // gov module
"stride1sy4vkp007vlmp2t670ev60ky2v0mdcqne8jdjs": true, // for local test <==== this line
then build gaiad( and strided
- Tested on stride v3.0.0, gaia v7.0.3
Replace stride_epoch value to 30s which is in ~/.stride/config/genesis.json (#121)
"identifier": "stride_epoch",
"start_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"duration": "30s",
- Open a terminal session, run
- Open a new terminal session, run
- Run
- Run hermes relayer with config.toml in this directory
- Run
- Copy ibc denom of uatom i.g) ibc/27394FB092D2ECCD56123C74F36E4C1F926001CEADA9CA97EA622B25F41E5EB2
- Send uatom to gaia ica host account
gaiad tx bank send genesis {gaia_address_for_withdraw_on_stride} 100uatom --from genesis --node http://localhost:26657 --chain-id cosmoshub
- Register host zone for gaia
strided tx stakeibc register-host-zone connection-0 uatom cosmos ibc/27394FB092D2ECCD56123C74F36E4C1F926001CEADA9CA97EA622B25F41E5EB2 channel-0 1 --from genesis --chain-id stride --gas auto -b block --node http://localhost:36657
- Check the icq response message from strided
2:12AM INF Proof validated! module: interchainquery, queryId 01173ff5167296eb4ba7c4c3d896f8b3e273a74210b91b82eb3f8b5e8a512747 module=x/interchainquery
2:12AM INF [ICQ Resp] query 01173ff5167296eb4ba7c4c3d896f8b3e273a74210b91b82eb3f8b5e8a512747 with ttl: 1670001180949678000, resp time: 1670001168896629000. module=x/interchainquery
2:12AM INF [ICQ Resp] executing callback for queryId (01173ff5167296eb4ba7c4c3d896f8b3e273a74210b91b82eb3f8b5e8a512747), module (stakeibc) module=x/interchainquery
- Clean up chain data
sudo rm -r ~/.gaia
sudo rm -r ~/.stride