Using the Power Delay Profile to accelerate the training of neural network-based classifiers for the identification of LOS and NLOS UWB propagation conditions
This repository contains the code needed to replicate the experiments described in the article : "Using the Power Delay Profile to accelerate the training of neural network-based classifiers for the identification of LOS and NLOS UWB propagation conditions". The code is divided into two parts, one in Matlab to pre-process the samples and extract the PDP, and another part in Python+Tensorflow to train and test the LOS-NLOS classifier.
To generate measurement sets be used later in Tensorflow, it is necessary to pre-process the original data. This requires the following steps:
Clone the repository inside the "./Matlab/Measurements/ directory.
Run the file "./Matlab/parseNLOSClassificationData.m". This will generate a file called "./Measurements/External/RangingWithCIRData3_v5.mat".
Run the file "./Matlab/extractFeaturesFromCir.m". This will generate four new files with the PDP samples and the rest of the features.
Run the file "./Matlab/Export_external_dataset_to_csv_train_test_random.m". This will generate random sets of training and testing. The number of generated sets is configured within the script in the variable "numReps".
Finally, the generated ".csv" files must be copied into the "./ExternalDatasetWithPDP_v5" folder
To run the simulation, the "" file must be executed. It is necessary to have previously installed the next python libraries:
- tensorflow
- tensorflow_addons
- pydotplus
- pandas
- pydot
- matplotlib
They can be installed used pip
After executing the "" script, the results will be stored in "./Results_v5". Different figures can be obtained using the scripts "./" and "".
This work uses the UWB measurements datataset related with the paper:
Klemen Bregar, Andrej Hrovat, Mihael Mohorčič, "NLOS Channel Detection with Multilayer Perceptron in Low-Rate Personal Area Networks for Indoor Localization Accuracy Improvement". Proceedings of the 8th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 31-June 1, 2016.