This repository contains quic start examples for different technologies like java, nodejs, c# and Azure Function App. Examples are stored in different branches in this repository. Examples contain simple AngularJS based web application with RESTfull back-end, implementation of back-end depends on used technology, but REST interface remains identical to all examples.
Java solution uses PostgreSql (Azure database) and Kubernetes Azure Container Service with Jenkins build server.
Whole solutions run in kubernetes cluster (Azure Container Services), CI/CD pipeline also runs in kubernetes cluster and is powered by Jenkins - master node of Jenkins run like separate Pod, all build agents are provisioned on-fly like separate build-agent nodes.
Solution details and deployment button:
Java solution uses PostgreSql (Azure database) and Azure Kubernetes Service with Jenkins build server.
Whole solutions run in kubernetes cluster (Azure Kubernetes Service - AKS), CI/CD pipeline also runs in kubernetes cluster and is powered by Jenkins - master node of Jenkins run like separate Pod, all build agents are provisioned on-fly like separate build-agent nodes.
Solution details and deployment button:
C# solution uses Azue SQL Database and Web App with enabled source control deployment.
Solution details and deployment button:
Java solution uses PostgreSql (Azure database) and Web App on Linux with deployed Jenkins build server.
Solution details and deployment button:
NodeJS solution uses MongoDB (Azure Cosmos DB with MongoDB interface) and Web App on Linux with enabled source control deployment.
Solution details and deployment button:
Function App solution uses Azue Cosmos DB and Function App (JavaScript and C#) with enabled source control deployment.
Solution details and deployment button: