git clone
,cd cargo-pgo
,git submodule update --init
- this may take a while as LLVM is one of the upstream dependencies. Fortunately, only a small part of it needs to be built.cargo build --release
,- Add
to your PATH.
cargo pgo clean
cargo pgo instr build
This will spawn a normal Cargo build (with some extra flags passed to rustc via RUSTFLAGS), so all
the usual cargo build
flags do apply.
Note that cargo-pgo will automatically add the --release
flag, since there's little reason to
PGO-optimize debug builds.
cargo pgo instr run <params1>
cargo pgo instr run <params2>
You can also use cargo pgo instr test
or cargo pgo instr bench
Each execution will create a new raw profile file under target/release/pgo
Before using generated profiles, they must be first merged into an 'indexed' format:
cargo pgo merge
The output will be saved in target/release/pgo/merged.profdata
cargo pgo opt build
cargo pgo opt run|test|bench
("Why not just 'cargo run
'?": Cargo keeps track of the flags it had passed
to rustc last time, and automatically rebuilds the target if they change. Thus, cargo run
would first revert the binary back to non-optimized state, which probably isn't what you want.)
Cargo automatically (re)builds stale binaries before running them, so you may skip both of the
build steps above and jump straight to running. In addition to that, cargo pgo opt ...
will automatically merge raw profiles if needed.
All of the above steps may be condensed to just two commands:
cargo pgo instr run
cargo pgo opt run