The Backend for the BiotoPi Project. A simple PHP Based API class build to easily use the BiotoPi functions.
A Simple Step by Step Guide to install the BiotoPi onto a RaspberryPi (Version 2 or 3). Run this from /var/www
. Later we setup a simple PHP Webserver (we run here Apache2) to serve our Web Application.
First - of all, Setup your RaspberryPi (You need a running Network, change the pi User Password, setup a Hostname and System locales):
sudo raspi-config
- Change User Password Change password for the current user.
- Network Options:
N1 Hostname -> Give your System a nice Hostname to
or something you like.
*Depending on how you will access to the Pi, Setup the Wifi (N2) or setup a LAN device (this have to be done manualy under the dhcpcd/etc/dhcpcd.conf
) - Boot Options - Setup
B1 Desktop / CLI
toB1 Console
, we dont need a Desktop Enviroment for a Web Service. - Localisation Options
I1 Change Locale
I2 Change Timezone
I3 Change Keyboard Layout - Interfacing Options - Enable the Following Options
P5 I2C
P7 1-Wire
Second - Install some basic Pakets (I prefer vim, feel free to use another Text Editor), git is essentiell to install and update later:
sudo apt install vim git
Third - You have to allow the webserver user to restart/shutdown the System, to use this commands from the Website, place the following inside your sudoers file:
sudo visudo
www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown
Now you can shutdown or restart the RaspberrryPi from the Website.
We use /var/www/
as install Directory, here on a fresh installed Raspian as the pi User:
cd /var
sudo mkdir www
cd www
sudo git clone
Once we have checkout, we can change into the desired Directory, We will do all Steps from here in this Instruction:
sudo su
cd /var/www/biotopi
Prepare the RaspberryPi and install all necessary Packages and Setup the I2C, SPI and other Interfaces by run the installation Script:
Keep in mind this will take some Time, the Skript does the following:
- update the system pakages
- check for essentially Packages and install them if there are not installed
- Set Folder and File Permissions
- Do some Basic File Copy Operations
- Restart Apache Webserver
After Installation you should also went back into the filesystem
cd /var/www/biotopi
Create the configuration file by using config.php.example
as Template.
cp inc/config.php.example inc/config.php
Use you favorit Editor;
vim inc/config.php
A few Important Setup Parts:
- Setup a unique Secret
- Setup your Timezome (default is Europe/Berlin)
- If you plan to use a MySL, you have to Setup the MySQL Database Connection Section.
There are currently 2 Databases which can be used. Feel free to add a new implemention in the inc/class/Database.php
- SQLite - A Simple Filebased Database (Default)
- MySQL - A MySQL Database connection
Currently there are no installation processes to create the Database tables and fill them by default data. All the neccessary SQL Files will be found under the assets/sql
sqlite3 inc/db/database.db < inc/assets/sql/db_create_sqlite.sql
The Application need the PHP Language, which musst be served from a Webserver. Feel free to add nginx or other Webserver. I prefeer Apache.
There can be found some apache config examples under inc/assets/installation/
cp inc/assets/installation/apache2_biotopi.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/biotopi.conf
Use you prefeered Webbrowser to open the Mainpage by the Hostname of your RaspberryPi:
Log Verzeichniss muss dem webserver user gehören, quasi wie bei dem db file.