- Clone this repositroy.
- Make sure you have installed Node JS
- Open the direcotry and run npm install to download dependencies
- To run the server, open the directory and in cmd type => node matrix_creator.js
- Open a REST client
- VRP Generator is now listening at localhost:3000
- Post your data set in the JSON format payload mentioned in apit_test.rest using rest client.
- The Address to VRP generation is available at "/go" using "POST"
- The output VRP file is stored as D:/res/problems_usa_zekleer+timestemamp.vrp
- open this path, get the .vrp file and feed it to the CVRP solver in opta planner.
- The Opta planner gives a solution XML file.
- "POST" the XML file contents for the tag alone at "/parse"
- A JSON output of grouped shipments are created and shipment count is shown.
- Use http://json2table.com/ to tabulate the results.
- Check if it satisfies the required output 👍
Other Details
- The Vehicle fleet number can be mentioned in the property "VEHICLES"
- The Max capacity of each truck is in the propoerty "CAPACITY"
- Only one depot is considered as source.
- The first location is always the depot.
- The weight of the first location should be WT:0
- The first Location should be the address of the depot
Data: 227 W Monroe St Chicago IL 60606 USA , 0 , 9999999999
Pattern : {"LOC": "$0","WT": $1,"ID":"$2"},
Result : {"LOC": "227 W Monroe St Chicago IL 60606 USA","WT": 0, "ID":"9999999999"},
Can be used to check the tabular output of the shipment orders created
Personal API key - Rate limited.
Free Key - 20x20 Matrix.
Trial Key - 80x80 Matrix.
License Key - MxN Matrix.