Description | Recommendation | Notes |
All users/identities must be granted minimum required permissions using Role Based Access Control (RBAC) | Remove any excessive privileges granted on the API Management Service. Run command: Remove-AzRoleAssignment -SignInName '' -Scope '' -RoleDefinitionName ''. Run 'Get-Help Remove-AzRoleAssignment -full' for more help. |
Description | Recommendation | Notes |
Metric alert rules must be configured for critical actions on API Management service | To setup an alert rule: (1) Go to API management instance -> 'Alerts' -> 'New alert rule' -> 'Add condition' (2) Select Signal type as 'Metrics' -> Select 'Unauthorized Gateway Request' -> Select a. Operator = 'Greater Than' b. Aggregation type = 'Total' c. Threshold value = '0' and d. Aggregation granularity = '1 hour' (3) Select an existing Action Group or create a new one of type 'Email/SMS/Push/Voice'. Select 'Email' option and specify the email id. Please refer: |
Description | Recommendation | Notes |
Backend API(s) must be accessible only over HTTPS via API Management service | Run command: Set-AzApiManagementApi -Context {APIContextObject} -Protocols 'Https' -Name '{APIName}' -ApiId '{APIId}' -ServiceUrl '{ServiceURL}'. Run command : Get-AzApiManagementApi -Context '{APIContextObject}' to get the details of existing APIs. Refer |