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ekfriis edited this page Feb 22, 2013 · 1 revision


Definitions of custom, EDM persist-able data formats used by the framework.


The DataAlgos package defines the algorithm implementations used by the member functions of the DataFormats package. This improves code reuse, eases backward compatibility, and improves compilation speed.


This package holds "data about data." It knows what samples exist, how to find them in DBS, and what their cross sections are. It also holds the central definition of plot styles used for different data samples. Also, reference type code (such as getting Higgs boson properties from lookup tables, etc, are hosted here).


The NtupleTools package defines the "analyzeFinalStates" binary, which is the final analysis builder, used to build flat TTrees from PATFinalState objects in the PAT tuple. New selections and ntuple columns should be defined in NtupleTools/python/templates. Ntuples designed for Higgs multi-lepton final states can be produced by, in test/.


The PAT tools package contains everything needed to build the FSA pat tuple.


Tools and helpers for making plots from ntuples created by NtupleTools.


The RecoTools package contains plugin modules and utilities for dealing with RECO and AOD content.


Various statistical/limit setting tools.


Contains various command--line tools and C++ functionality.


Tools for generating Tag and Probe studies. Classes for querying Tag and Probe results provided by other groups (eg Muon POG) are kept here as well.


The recipe section contains scripts which automate installation of related packages.