MimiC is a compiler of C subset (extended SysY language) by USTB NSCSCC team.
MimiC can compile extended SysY language to ARM assembly and C.
MimiC requires:
3.5 or later.- C++ compiler supporting C++17 standard.
You can build MimiC from repository by executing the following commands:
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/MaxXSoft/MimiC.git
$ cd MimiC && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make -j8
- Hand written frontend.
- Strong typed IR in SSA form.
- Optimizer based on pass and pass manager.
- Auto-scheduling, multi-stage, iterative pass execution.
- Abstracted unified backend interface.
- Machine-level IR (MIR) for multi-architecture machine instruction abstraction.
- MIR based passes for multi-architecture assembly generation.
See MimiC-autotest.
comp_unit ::= {decl | type_def | func_def};
decl ::= var_decl | func_decl;
type_def ::= struct_def | enum_def | type_alias;
func_def ::= func_header block;
var_decl ::= type var_def {"," var_def} ";";
var_def ::= ID_VAL {"[" expr "]"} ["=" init_val];
init_val ::= expr | "{" [init_val {"," init_val}] "}";
func_decl ::= func_header ";";
func_header ::= type ID_VAL "(" [func_params] ")";
func_params ::= func_param {"," func_param};
func_param ::= type ID_VAL ["[" [expr] "]" {"[" expr "]"}];
struct_def ::= "struct" ID_VAL "{" {struct_elem} "}" ";";
enum_def ::= "enum" [ID_VAL] "{" enum_elems "}" ";";
type_alias ::= "typedef" type ID_VAL ";";
struct_elem ::= type struct_elem_def {"," struct_elem_def} ";";
struct_elem_def ::= ID_VAL {"[" expr "]"};
enum_elems ::= ID_VAL ["=" expr] ["," enum_elems] [","];
block ::= "{" {block_item} "}";
block_item ::= decl | type_def | stmt;
stmt ::= bare | block | if_else | while | control;
bare ::= expr ";";
if_else ::= "if" "(" expr ")" stmt ["else" stmt];
while ::= "while" "(" expr ")" stmt;
control ::= ("break" | "continue" | ("return" [expr])) ";";
expr ::= cast {bin_op cast};
cast ::= {"(" type ")"} unary;
unary ::= {unary_op} factor | "sizeof" (factor | "(" type ")");
factor ::= value | index | func_call | access | "(" expr ")";
bin_op ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "&"
| "|" | "^" | "&&" | "||" | "<<" | ">>"
| "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
| "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%="
| "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | "<<=" | ">>=";
unary_op ::= "+" | "-" | "!" | "~" | "*" | "&";
value ::= INT_VAL | CHAR_VAL | STR_VAL | ID_VAL;
index ::= expr "[" expr "]";
func_call ::= expr "(" [expr {"," expr}] ")";
access ::= factor ("." | "->") ID_VAL;
type ::= prim_type | struct_type | enum_type | const | pointer
| user_type;
prim_type ::= "void" | ["unsigned"] "int" | "char";
struct_type ::= "struct" ID_VAL;
enum_type ::= "enum" ID_VAL;
const ::= "const" type;
pointer ::= type "*" {"*"};
user_type ::= ID_VAL;
Copyright (C) 2010-2020 MaxXSoft MaxXing, 2018-2020 USTB NSCSCC team.
License GPLv3.