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GitHub Actions / XSpec Test Results
Mar 26, 2024 in 0s
All 90 tests pass, 15 skipped in 0s
2 files 40 suites 0s ⏱️
105 tests 90 ✅ 15 💤 0 ❌
114 runs 99 ✅ 15 💤 0 ❌
Results for commit 1866f58.
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github-actions / XSpec Test Results
15 skipped tests found
There are 15 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output
A key field with a pattern brings a qualified XPath with a string replacement
Current generation matches target in tiny_inspector-working.xsl XSLT transform element with correct attributes
Key composition - a constraint with two key fields - gix.683 brings an XPath suitable for selecting its key values, as a sequence
Messy broken stuff is found to be broken
[A.0] A certain failure fails, because false is not true
[A.0] always fails as it is false
[B.1] A date conforming to all rules except the one constraining the values when the computer @id starts with 'April' brings back an AVCV WARNING
[C.2] A compound extension tests castability for the base type, and all patterns
[C.3] A looping extension should work up to but not including where it loops
[C.4] Exercising a different test reports breaking a different rule
[G.3] Clean test of the same against valid content throws nothing
[H.1] A flag defined as a string but targeted with a 'date' field constraint - happens to be a permitted date brings back nothing
[H.2] A flag defined as a string but targeted with a 'date' field constraint - looks like a date, but not enumerated in extra constraint co-occurrent with id starting with 'April' brings back an AVCV error
[H.3] A flag defined as a string but targeted with a 'date' field constraint - not looking like a date throws an MDCV error
[H.4] Similarly, but this time an additional allowed-values constraint also applies b/c @id starts-with 'April' throws an additional error, for two constraints violated, AVCV and MDCV
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github-actions / XSpec Test Results
105 tests found
There are 105 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
A key field with a pattern brings a qualified XPath with a string replacement
Basic external - Computer metaschema XSLT transform element with correct attributes
Basic external - Tiny metaschema XSLT transform element with correct attributes
Basic inline XSLT transform element with correct attributes
Basic inline comes through
Clean stuff comes through cleanly
Current generation matches target in tiny_inspector-working.xsl XSLT transform element with correct attributes
Key composition - a constraint with a single key field - gix.683 brings an XPath suitable for selecting its key values, as a sequence
Key composition - a constraint with two key fields - gix.683 brings an XPath suitable for selecting its key values, as a sequence
Messy broken stuff is found to be broken
Messy stuff comes through cleanly
With some markup-multiline also comes through
[A.0] A certain failure fails, because false is not true
[A.0] always fails as it is false
[A.10] invalid10.xml appears not to be valid
[A.1] A simple extension Base type of Base64Datatype is reported to be xs:base64Binary
[A.1] A field with a value out of compliance with its enumeration - literally wrong an error is reported
[A.1] For April 0 0th day is not castable
[A.1] For a known but incorrect element at the root (document level) an error is reported
[A.1] invalid1.xml appears not to be valid
[A.1] invalid1.xml is not even TINY data, so egregriously invalid, and appears not to be valid
[A.2] A two-step extension brings back two simpleType elements
[A.2] An empty field whose value must be enumerated brings an error showing the empty string as '(empty)', along with a data type constraint error
[A.2] For April 1 1st day is castable
[A.2] For an element with a known name, but out of place an error is reported
[A.2] invalid2.xml appears not to be valid
[A.3] A field with a value out of compliance with its enumeration - wrong CASE, so literally wrong brings an error
[A.3] For April 31 31st is not castable
[A.3] invalid3.xml appears not to be valid
[A.4] 13 13? 13th month is not castable
[A.4] A field with a value out of compliance with its enumeration - extra whitespace brings two errors
[A.4] invalid4.xml appears not to be valid
[A.5] A Leap Day is castable
[A.5] A field with a value in compliance with its enumeration throws no error
[A.5] invalid5.xml appears not to be valid
[A.6] A fake Leap Day is not castable
[A.6] invalid6.xml appears not to be valid
[A.7] invalid7.xml appears not to be valid
[A.8] invalid8.xml appears not to be valid
[A.9] invalid9.xml appears not to be valid
[B.1] calling a type calling a type that calls back (erroneously) A circular reference returns nothing
[B.1] - A 'computer' document comes through as a copy with a 'validation' wrapper with metadata
[B.1] A date conforming to all rules except the one constraining the values when the computer @id starts with 'April' brings back an AVCV WARNING
[B.1] Comment is copied
[B.1] For an attribute with a known name, but out of place an error is reported
[B.1] bigbadtiny.xml appears to be valid
[B.1] valid1.xml appears to be valid
[B.2] calling a type that refers into such a loop An indirectly circular reference returns nothing
[B.2] A 'computer' document in 'validate' mode remains a computer, keeping @id
[B.2] A little local data looks the same
[B.2] Processing instruction is dropped
[B.2] valid2.xml appears to be valid
[B.3] when the chain has one link A working reference works
[B.3] A valid file instance in no mode shows it has been validated
[B.3] valid3.xml appears to be valid
[B.4] when the chain terminates at the second A stack of two comes back
[B.4] A valid file instance in no mode brings its copy with its validation
[B.4] valid4.xml appears to be valid
[B.5] and when it terminates at the third A stack of three comes back
[B.5] A valid instance in 'validate' mode comes through as a (clean) copy of itself
[C.1] A simple extension tests castability and pattern
[C.1] An unknown element is marked as unexpected
[C.1] Detecting a cardinality error, apart from others - too many throws an HCCV error
[C.2] A compound extension tests castability for the base type, and all patterns
[C.2] An unknown attribute on a known element is also marked as unexpected
[C.2] Detecting a cardinality error, apart from others - too few reports two errors, an XPKT and an HCCV
[C.3] A looping extension should work up to but not including where it loops
[C.3] This one is okay and brings back nothing, since the rule passes
[C.4] Exercising a different test reports breaking a different rule
[D.1] A flag matching the constraint - no target looks good
[D.1] Comment is copied
[D.2] A field matching the constraint - target='.' looks good
[D.2] Processing instruction is dropped
[D.3] A field whose value doesn't match throws an error
[D.4] An empty field throws an error along with the annoying datatype error
[E.1] For an element appearing too many times an error is reported
[E.1] For an unknown element we see a single error report marking it as unexpected
[E.1] when everything is in order no warnings come back
[E.2] when everything is in order we get an error for the broken listing
[F.1] A valid file gets no reports
[F.1] Since @slot-no 'Slot Number' values are expected to be distinctive a violation emits as many reports as there are occasions of use (of any repeated value) - here, two (2) reports
[F.2] Given as a literal, an invalid instance produces at least one report
[F.2] Since @serial-numbern 'serial number' values are expected to be distinctive nothing is reported when they are
[F.3] An invalid file on the file system likewise produces at least one report
[F.3] This also works if the offending objects are not the same type, as long as they are all targets two reports, each for a distince uniqueness violation
[G.1] An element appearing after an optional successor an error is reported
[G.1] An expect, targeting . - value fails test throws an error
[G.2] But this one is okay and throws no error
[G.3] Clean test of the same against valid content throws nothing
[G.4] Another expect target='.', this one examining descendants, non-compliant throws an error
[G.5] Another expect target='.', this one examining good descendants brings no error because the rule passes
[H.1] A field with a value out of compliance with its enumeration - literally wrong an error is reported
[H.1] A flag defined as a string but targeted with a 'date' field constraint - happens to be a permitted date brings back nothing
[H.2] A flag defined as a string but targeted with a 'date' field constraint - looks like a date, but not enumerated in extra constraint co-occurrent with id starting with 'April' brings back an AVCV error
[H.2] An empty field whose value must be enumerated an error is reported, showing the empty string as '(empty)', along with another error based on a data typing constraint
[H.3] A field with a value out of compliance with its enumeration - wrong CASE, so literally wrong an error is reported
[H.3] A flag defined as a string but targeted with a 'date' field constraint - not looking like a date throws an MDCV error
[H.4] A field with a value out of compliance with its enumeration - extra whitespace an error is reported
[H.4] Similarly, but this time an additional allowed-values constraint also applies b/c @id starts-with 'April' throws an additional error, for two constraints violated, AVCV and MDCV
[H.5] A field with a value in compliance with its enumeration throws no error
[J.1] For an attribute required but missing an error is reported
[K.1] For an unknown element at the root (document level) an error is reported
[L.1] For an unknown attribute an error is reported
[M.1] Some okay mixed content copies through unmessed-with
an error is reported