Small repo with CMake build system for building REFPROP shared library for REFPROP versions 9.1 and newer
Why you should use this build system:
- The windows-style mixed-case symbols are exported on all platforms (for instance there is ALWAYS a
symbol, which means you can write a clean cross-platform interface). This magic is achieved with export aliases. - You can easily point the repo at a different version of the REFPROP sources, allowing for building/testing several versions of REFPROP in parallel
Brought to you by Ian Bell, NIST, [email protected]
Open an issue:
Public domain, (though REFPROP itself is not public domain)
- Python (See below about disabling the use of Python)
(Often packaged automatically (e.g., with Anaconda), or you can pip install it at the command prompt:pip install six
(make sure that this prints something reasonable at the command prompt:python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.__version__)"
). See below about disabling the use of numpy
- A fortran compiler
- Cmake
- git
- Do a recursive(!) clone of this repository (e.g.
git clone --recursive
) - Copy the FORTRAN directory from your REFPROP installation into the root of your checked out code (or see below about using the path directly)
- Open a console in the root of the cloned repository
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .
Once the shared library has been build, you will need to place it somewhere that your operating system knows where to find it. On windows, that would be on the PATH
environment variable. On OSX, that would be one of the default shared library locations (see apple docs ).
- If you have an M1(+) chip, check whether your gcc/gfortran is set to use
. Two options have been tested and are summarized here.
Use the gfortran from homebrew and build for x86_64 and use Rosetta2 emulation. The flags you want are something like:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_FORTRAN_COMPILER=/path/to/gfortran -DREFPROP_X8664=ON
- If you want to force a 32-bit build (I'm looking at you Excel 2016 on Mac), you can do:
cmake .. -DREFPROP_32BIT=ON
You can obtain homebrew versions of gcc and gfortran with
brew install gcc
once homebrew is installed -
cmake --build .
with homebrewed python and vanilla system python both installed fails becausefind_package(PythonInterp)
, called bycmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
, picks up the system python rather than the brewed python, as evident from an examination ofCMakeCache.txt
The solution is to force cmake to use the brewed python:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/usr/local/bin/python3
Use gcc/gfortran from Macports. Install Macports gcc and select it by
sudo port install gccXX
andsudo port select gcc mp-gccXX
where XX is the version of gcc, e.g.,12
. Then you can use the same non-Mac-specific install instructions as described above in the "Instructions" section.
- If you want statically-linked system libraries when compiling on OSX, to improve, but not guarantee, that a binary built on one machine will run on another, you can define:
Platforms other than windows (and sort of OSX) are CASE-SENSITIVE! The folder
is not the same asFORTRAN
If you don't want to copy the FORTRAN directory to the root of the checked out code, you can alternatively pass the cmake flag
as in something like:cmake .. -DREFPROP_FORTRAN_PATH=/path/to/refprop/fortran
If the path has spaces in it, you need to quote-escape the path
If you do not want to, or cannot, get a numpy version (especially on Red Hat based linux distros) that will allow you to do this at the command line:
python -m numpy.f2py -c "import numpy"
then you can disable all use of numpy by passing the command line flag
which will result in the C/C++ header not being generated. It is highly recommended to find a working numpy version.
If you absolutely cannot get access to Python, you can also define
, which will disable all use of Python, but this will disable the alias generation, so the only symbols that will be exported will be the default symbols for your compiler, which could be a problem for non-Intel compilers. -
On windows, if you want to use Intel Fortran + Visual Studio, you can change the generator, with something like:
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64"
cmake --help
to see a complete list of supported generators (not all of which will support FORTRAN)When building with a Visual Studio generator, you will want to ensure that you get a Release build, which is ensured by passing the flag
--config Release
to the build command, something like:cmake --build . --config Release
If you want to make the Intel runtime dynamically linked into the shared library (this is necessary in order to load hundreds of copies of REFPROP in memory with the REFPROP-manager (see, define the CMake flag
. The default is to statically link the runtime, which is the right answers for most users and use cases. -
If you want statically-linked system libraries when compiling with MINGW, to improve, but not guarantee, that a binary built on one machine will run on another, you can define:
It is possible to use a fully open-source build system on windows to compile REFPROP. This is enabled by the use of the MINGW compiler system.
To get started from a clean windows installation, you will need:
- cmake: When you install, it is recommended to add the install directory to the
system variable - MINGW: You may want to run the installer twice, the first time selecting the
architecture (for 32-bit compilation), and the second time, selecting thex86_64
architecture (for 64-bit compilation) - miniconda: This installs a minimal python setup, along with with the
package manager (use the 64-bit python 3.6 one). You probably want to add conda and python to the system PATH variable when asked in the installer. Once it is installed, install numpy with :conda install numpy
at the command line. If you require administrative rights to install to the default Anaconda installation location, open an administrative shell by typingcmd
in the windows start menu search, right-clicking on cmd.exe, and selecting "Run as Administrator" - git
Then to set up your shell, at the command prompt do:
set PATH=D:\Software\mingw\bin;%PATH%
or put the path to wherever the MINGW compiler has been installed.
Check out the git sources with:
git clone --recursive
Move into that directory:
cd REFPROP-cmake
Make a working directory
mkdir build
Move into that directory
cd build
Configure the build system
and build the DLL
cmake --build .
That's it!
Or, all in a tidy batch file that clones the repo, does the build, and cleans up after itself...
You will want to save these contents in a .bat
file and run it from the command prompt, passing it 32
for a 32-bit build generating REFPROP.DLL, or 64
for a 64-bit build, generating the REFPRP64.DLL
Here is the contents of build_dll.bat
@echo off
REM Call this script like: build_dll.bat 32
REM for a 32-bit build, or build_dll.bat 64 for a 64-bit build
set PATH_32BIT=D:\Software\mingw-w64\i686-7.2.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev0\mingw32\bin
set PATH_64BIT=D:\Software\mingw-w64\x86_64-7.2.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin
REM --------- You should not need to touch anything below this line ------------
@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%1" == "64" (
set BITNESS=64
if "%1" == "32" (
set BITNESS=32
if "%MINGW_PATH%" == "" (
echo An invalid bitness was selected, valid values are "64" or "32"
exit /b
if not exist "%MINGW_PATH%" (
echo The path to MINGW bin folder is invalid
exit /b
git clone --recursive
cd REFPROP-cmake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build .
cd ../..
if "%BITNESS%" == "32" (
if "%BITNESS%" == "64" (
copy REFPROP-cmake\build\REFPRP64.DLL REFPRP64.DLL
rmdir /Q /S REFPROP-cmake