Test services and configuration on the server nodes (routinely and as part of a manual check after reboot) Just a check playbook, no changes to the systems.
- ansible
- root permissions on the destination hosts
defined in group_vars/GROUPNAME.yml , Group name refers to the entries in the hosts.inv
[~]> ansible-playbook site-checks.yml
- NFS mounts
- cvmfs mounts
- standard system services (firewall, fail2ban, sshd, syslog)
- services related to galaxy (galaxy, nga, nginx, eccd) on the main node
- additional services (slurm, docker)
- check if autofs is disabled on slurm nodes
- db node services postgres & rabbitmq
- postfix on db node
- open tcp ports, which are required for the services (check from localhost only)
Checks the set permissions in directories and files
- main node: /data/part0/ /data/part0/tmp/galaxy-var-tmp
checks the correctness of the letsencrypt privkey files permissions
- checks whether the nfs-shares are exported correctly
- checks whether the postgresql db is open and readable
- checks the rabbitmq listener for port 5672 and 5671 (ssl)