ansible role for configuring the local postgres database dump cronjob
postgres must be installed, the server must be up and running. On the host must be enough space to save the dump files.
All variables are defined in the defaults/main.yml file.
dumpdir: '/var/postgresbackup' <- local directory for storing dump files, will be created if not exist
keepdays: '3' <- max age in days , older dump files will be deleted
notify_email: '[email protected]' <- Error emails are sent to
postgresuser: 'postgres' <- database user
cron_minute: '0'
cron_hour: '13'
cron_wdays: '*'
hba_file: '/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf' <- hba file path
- hosts:
become: true
- ansible-role-postgresbackup
tags: pgdump
Elixir Norway/Bergen University