"Let's Fly Away" is an iOS game created by Urian Chang as a candidate for the SpriteKit hackathon at Coding Dojo - Silicon Valley from March 10 - 13, 2017. Students had 3 days to learn and apply the SpriteKit framework to an iOS application.
Fly around the sky in a dirigible or kite. Be a hero by collecting lost balloons and high-fiving other air travelers.
- "Airship" - Touch the screen and the dirigible will fly to that location
- "Kite" - Touch the screen to push the kite forward; tilt the screen to move the kite up and down
- Language: Swift (v3)
- IDE: Xcode 8.2.1
- Frameworks: UIKit, SpriteKit, GameplayKit, and Core Motion
- Music (open-source):
- “Acoustic Breeze” (www.bensound.com)
- “Warm Breeze” - Evan Schaeffer (www.freemusicarchive.org)
- “Piano 45” - Smiling Cynic (www.opsound.org)
- Sound effects from www.soundbible.com/
- Sprites and backgrounds created by Urian Chang with Microsoft Paint.
"Airship" game mode at night*:
* Background image changes based on OS time.