Makes text bUmPY
This is a very crappy python script I made primarily to test out git :/
This was built after I saw all them hip and cool youngsters these days do a weird style of texting that could only be desrcibed as "bumpycase" to denote sarcasm, as per example: "WOw tHIS is SUCh a usEfUl PrOGrAM" (an improvement from /s however).
However, this is quite tedious to do manually, especially on mobile or for a long piece of text, so this oculd automate this.
Must run program and enter in string when prompted. Please run in a terminal to see output. Output is produced below the input
Make this string bumpy: wow this is such a useful program
wOW THis iS SUcH A usEFuL prOGRAm