This is the SDK for Dragonfly, The Data Quality Tool. Dragonfly is a data quality monitoring and assessment tool developed by Upshot Ideas Technology Lab. This is the SDK for use in your applications to trigger a quality assessment evaluation on demand. Feel free to get in touch with Dragonfly support for more information or help.
Before you begin, please acquire the following details:
This need not be a publicly accessible URL. Your deployment may be configured to work only within your organization's network and the link may appear to be internal.
client_id = "df-plugin"
client_secret = "asdf78687ADf78asndFAsdf786asdfasdcvfa3"
You can find these by logging into your auth server as an admin and navigating to the Dragonfly realm/clients, and finding your "plugin" client.
This need not be a publicly accessible URL. Your deployment may be configured to work only within your organization's network and the link may appear to be internal.
from uitl_dragonfly_sdk.DragonflyClient import DragonflyClient
df_client = DragonflyClient(client_id="df-plugin",
output = df_client.run_health_report(pipeline_id=1, component_id=43, log_result=True, fail_on_low_dcr=True)
The default value is 95.0
. To completely disable the check, set the value to -1
df_client.minimum_dcr = 80.0
output = df_client.run_health_report(pipeline_name="Sales Pipeline", component_name="Aggregate Sales Report", log_result=True, fail_on_low_dcr=True)
output = df_client.run_health_report(pipeline_name="Sales Pipeline", log_result=True, fail_on_low_dcr=True)
output = df_client.run_health_report(pipeline_id=1, log_result=True, fail_on_low_dcr=True)
export UITL_DRAGONFLY_CLIENT_ID="df-plugin"
export UITL_DRAGONFLY_CLIENT_SECRET="asdf78687ADf78asndFAsdf786asdfasdcvfa3"
from uitl_dragonfly_sdk.DragonflyClient import DragonflyClient
df_client = DragonflyClient()
output = df_client.run_health_report(pipeline_id=1, component_id=43, log_result=True, fail_on_low_dcr=True)
Below is the list of constructor parameters for the DragonflyClient
parameter name | environment variable | description | default value | Mandatory |
client_id | UITL_DRAGONFLY_CLIENT_ID | Client ID to authenticate with the Dragonfly auth server | "" | Y |
client_secret | UITL_DRAGONFLY_CLIENT_SECRET | Client Secret to authenticate with the Dragonfly auth server | "" | Y |
auth_server_realm_baseurl | UITL_DRAGONFLY_AUTH_SERVER_REALM_BASEURL | Base URL of the Dragonfly auth server's Dragonfly realm | "" | Y |
api_server_baseurl | UITL_DRAGONFLY_API_SERVER_BASEURL | Base URL of the Dragonfly API server | "" | Y |
can be invoked with the following parameters
parameter | description | default value | Mandatory |
pipeline_name | Name of the pipeline to run verification | "" | If pipeline_id not provided. |
pipeline_id | ID of the pipeline to run verification | 0 | If pipeline_name not provided. |
component_name | This is a filter to restrict the verification up-to the component name in the provided pipeline. | "" | N |
component_id | This is a filter to restrict the verification up-to the component ID in the provided pipeline. | 0 | N |
run_id | A unique identifier for a health run to connect disjointed or partial runs of the pipeline. If not provided, a new RunId will be automatically generated. | "" | N |
log_result | If to log formatted verification result to the default output stream. All the information is included in the returned result object. | False | N |
fail_on_low_dcr | If to throw exception when the result of the verification is below the set DCR value (minimum_dcr) on the client. | False | N |
Here is a sample output object:
"id": 1, // Health verification execution Id, automatically generated and assgined
"clientId": 10000, // Client Id on Dragonfly
"name": "Laptop Sales Report Simple", // Name of the pipeline
"filtered": true, // If the run was partial, filtered with componentId or full
"runId": "7ef257d7-7c17-4852-a7d3-f74edc8a76a3", // Provided run_id or randomly generated
"reportRequestId": "9116517c-b35a-4d41-bf7e-0ebe3fa2c389", // Request Id
"id": 43, // Id of the component in the pipeline
"type": "PROCESS", // type of the compnoent
"name": "Aggregate Sale Calc Process", // name of the component
"value": 100.0, // health result value.
"executedChecks":[{ // list of checks executed on this component in this run and their results.
"value": 100.0, // check's result.
"meta": { // metadata captured in the check.
"min_units_sold": "100",
"health": "true",
"min_revenue": "1000.0"
"error": null,
"checkId": 3, // Id of the the check
"healthCheckName": "" // name of the check
"error": null,
"dependenciesHealth": 50.0, // health of the dependencies of this component, if any are present.
"meta": {}
}, {
"id": 42,
"type": "PROCESS",
"name": "Data Ingestion ETL",
"health": {
"value": 0.0,
"executedChecks": [{
"value": 0.0,
"meta": {
"max_batch_date": "2024-06-26",
"health": "false"
"error": null,
"checkId": 1,
"healthCheckName": "Laptop sales data should be recent"
}, {
"value": 0.0,
"meta": {
"max_batch_date": "2024-06-25",
"health": "false"
"error": null,
"checkId": 2,
"healthCheckName": "Tablet sales data should be recent"
"error": null,
"dependenciesHealth": 0.0,
"meta": {}
"edges": [{ // relationship of the components in the filtered/full pipeline.
"source": 43,
"target": 42,
"weight": 1.0
Additional environment variables that can be set
environment variable | description | default value | Mandatory |
UITL_DRAGONFLY_MINIMUM_DCR | Minimum DCR threshold. If the quality is reported below this value, the SDK throws an exception. | 95.0 | N |