An Eclipse EMF based Meta-Model for networks of timed automata as they appear in UPPAAL ( Intended to be used as a library for other model based tooling. Depends on the Eclipse Modeling Framework and -Libraries. Built using Eclipse Tycho.
This project requires the JavaSE 17 development kit for compilation and JavaSE 11 to perform dependency resolution via tycho (since it is the Runtime Version of the PlugIns).
Make sure you have both of them installed and correctly set up your toolchains.xml
to point to their install directory:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<toolchains xmlns=""
You can build from the root directory by executing ./mvnw compile
on Linux and
MacOS and by mvnw.cmd compile
on Windows respectively.
Note that code generation from the org.uppaal.model/model/uppaal.genmodel
Generator Model
is part of the build process and therefore generated sources are not checked in.
Code Generation is conducted during the built via a Modelling Workflow described in
To retrieve installable packages execute the package
maven goal.
Binary and source bundles are aggregated under org.uppaal.model.package/target
(See the descriptors under org.uppaal.model.package/src/assembly/
The package
goal also tries to resolve all p2
dependencies to real maven ones
and strip all build-related configuration from the pom.xml
The following plugin configurations take care of this:
There are two CI workflow files under .github/workflows/
runs the mavenpackage
goal whenever a commit is pushed to main or a pull request to main. The build is run under Windows, Ubuntu and MacOS, after which all artifacts from the Ubuntu Build are uploaded.release.yml
runs whenever a release is published on github. It then performs a release build under Ubuntu and deploys all artifacts to github packages.
This project uses mavens CI friendly versioning scheme. This means that the version qualifier defaults to -SNAPSHOT
, but can be overridden by -Dqualifier=.<qualifier> -DforceContextQualifier=<qualifier>
maven args to build a release.
In the release CI, <qualifier>
is replaced with the datetime format YYmmddHHmm
of the current commit (See and