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umar-ahmed committed Sep 17, 2018
0 parents commit e23b991
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193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions
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# Constitution of the Web Development Club

## Official Title

The official name of this recognized campus group is "Uoft Web Development Club". The acronym or abbreviation of this group is UofTWDC

## Purpose and Objective

The purpose of the Web Development Club is the promotion of a positive academic and social environment for members to enhance their web development skills.

The club aims to host seminars, development sessions, hackathons, entrepreneur social events, and professional company recruitment events to improve the development skills and future career opportunities for our members.

## Membership

Membership to the group is open to all the University of Toronto members (students, staff, faculty and alumni).

U of T members are permitted to run, nominate, and vote in elections and constitutional amendments. The group is open to non-U of T members. However, these members do not hold the aforementioned rights. Members must register with a designated executive by submitting their full name and a valid email address.

For recognition by the University of Toronto Students’ Union (UTSU), the group must maintain a minimum of 30 members, a total of 51% of membership are UTSU members. The group must also maintain recognition from the Office of Student Life. These requirements are subject to change and should be checked with UTSU annually to ensure qualifications are met.

## Termination of Executives or General Members

Any member of the club who commits an act negatively affecting the interests of the club and its members, including non-disclosure of a significant or continuing conflict of interest, may be given notice of removal.

The member up for removal shall have the right to defend his/her actions.

A two-thirds majority vote of the current members present in favour of removal is required.

The member will be removed from the club’s membership and will lose any privileges associated with being a member of the club.

Executive members are subject to the same termination or impeachment process and, as determined by the vote, may lose their executive position along with their membership to the group.

### Impeachment procedure

1. The member-in-question (general or executive) is provided a verbal warning regarding their conduct,
2. The member-in-question is provided a written warning regarding their conduct and future expectations,
3. The member-in-question is asked to attend an executive meeting and provide a defense of their conduct wherein the executive vote to remove the member,
4. The member-in-question may appeal the decision of the executive to the general membership (U of T members) who would cast a final deciding vote. In the event of a vacancy, an executive appointment is permitted, but is only valid once ratified by the general membership (UofT members)

## Executive Lists and Duties

The executive committee shall be comprised of eight (8) elected officers. These include a
President, VP Admin, Treasurer, Resource Manager, Project Manager, Public Relations, Web
Design & Graphics, and the Faculty Liaison. All members on the executive committee are given
equal voting rights on issues.

### President

The President shall:

- Oversee the operations, management and success of the group
- Be the spokesperson for the group
- Hold signing officer authority along with the Treasurer for financial purposes
- Preside over board meetings as well as general meetings
- Ensure transition of office to the future Executives
- Manage and maintain updates from VP Admin, the Treasurer, Public Relations, and Project
- Liaison between the CSSU, UTSU, ULife, and other Computer Science and Engineering Clubs
- Handle official correspondence of the organization
- Make a list of all registered members
- Record notes and motions for meetings
- Store the passwords and account names the Github, Club email, servers, Google Drive, and other paid and free services

### VP Admin

The VP Admin shall:

- Assume duties of the President in his/her absence
- Oversee the various committees
- Ensure that all the activities of the club meet regulations and policies of the University of Toronto
- Coordinate organizational recruitment efforts
- Book rooms for the tutorials
- Add tutorials to the repository for people to check
- Maintain the web sites and member contact list
- Notify all members of meetings
- Manage and maintain updates from the Web Design & Graphics
- Manage and regulate the tutorial and seminar presenters

### Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

- Record all financial transactions of the group
- Hold signing officer authority along with the President for financial purposes
- Maintain a budget of income and expenses along with receipts
- Advise members on financial position of the group
- Prepare an annual budget for the group as well as budgets for specific events
- Keep track of the blank bank checks and receipts

### Project Manager

The Project Manager shall:

- Keep track of the list of current active projects registered under the club
- Keep track of the list of members working on the certain projects.
- Ensure and regulate the projects and leaders working under the projects
- Cooperate with the Resource Manager

### Public Relations

The Public Relations shall:

- Manage and maintain updates from the Faculty Liaison
- Find and book venues to hold these events.
- Advertise the events within UofT regulations in the form of hackathons, entrepreneur social events, and professional company recruitment events
- Put together a team of members, if help is needed to run the events
- Seek professionals and companies for sponsorships, professional seminars and talks

### Web Design & Graphics

The Web Design & Graphics shall:

- Design the logo, banner and arts for the club webpage
- Assist the development team with art and illustration related assistance.
- Design the promotion posters and WebPages for external events

### Resource Manager

The Resource Manager shall:

- Responsible for maintaining the permissions to access into the Github accounts
- Gain/ remove permission for individual users and project leaders
- Maintain the access and passwords for paid services and files
- Keep track of all assets currently controlled by the club

### Faculty Liason

The Faculty Liaison shall:

- Maintain updates and connections with the Departments
- Request faculty support and assistance for events and seminars if necessary
- Coordinate the transfer of projects between the faculty and the club

## Finances

The president, VP and treasurer will open a bank account under the group's name. The president, VP and treasurer will be the official signing officers for the group financial procedures. All other members will have to seek permission (written) of the treasurer if funds are to be withdrawn. A receipt must be produced for records.

The Treasurer shall keep records of all income and expenses. The Treasurer shall present the group’s financial health at the annual general meetings. The Executive Committee will vote on expenditures of over $100.00 by majority vote at an executive meeting.

The group’s executive or members may not engage in activities that are essentially commercial in nature. This is not intended to preclude the collection of membership fees to cover the expenses of the group, or of charges for specific activities, programs or events, or to prohibit groups from engaging in legitimate fundraising. However, the group will not have as a major activity a function that makes it an on-campus part of a commercial organization, will not provide services and goods at a profit when that profit is used for purposes other than those of the organization, and will not pay salaries to some or all of its officers

## Elections

### Election Process

The executive committee shall strike the Elections Committee and appoint one (1) Chief Returning Officer (CRO) and two (2) Scrutinizers from the general members on the committee to conduct and hold elections in March. All members of the Elections Committee shall be nonbiased in the results of the election and shall be required to disclose any and all conflicts of interest in the election.

The CRO Returning Officer shall accept nominations only from group members that are also registered U of T members (staff, faculty, students and alumni) for candidacy of executive positions from the general membership before the beginning of March. Candidates have to be members in good standing and be part of the group for at least one year prior to the nomination period.

The CRO shall select three (3) election dates before March 30th for the voting period. These dates will be announced in a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to elections dates and must fall on weekdays.

The CRO and Scrutinizers shall provide each U of T member with a paper ballot on the voting dates and ask the member to place their ballot in an enclosed box.

In preparation for a tie, the CRO shall select an executive from amongst the executive committee, to cast their ballot and seal it in an envelope. In the event of a tie for an executive position, one of the two Scrutinizers shall break the seal and count the ballot in order to break the tie.

After the election is over, the CRO and Scrutinizers shall count the ballots. The candidate with the most votes shall be elected to the position. The CRO and Scrutinizers shall submit a report of the results of the elections to the Executive Committee and general members.

Registered U of T members may not vote by proxy. Non-U of T members may not nominate or vote in elections.

Only U of T members who have attend seminars and have been a member in good standing for 30 days prior to election dates are eligible for voting.

Term of executive positions shall be from May 1st to April 30th.

### Candidate Nominations

A member of the Web Development Club can only apply to run for one executive position. The nomination package must include ten signatures from other members of the club, a record of all their participations within the club, their development skills, and their resume.

### Maximum term of Executive Council

All members of the Executive team's positions are open for re-elections at the end of every term.

## Meetings

### Annual General Meetings (AGMs)

The group shall hold general meetings at least twice per year, i.e. once per academic term.

The Executive Committee will announce these dates two (2) weeks prior to holding the meetings. These meetings are intended to go over the group’s annual activity plan, financial health and propose or vote on constitutional amendments, if any. Motions will require 2/3majority of registered members in attendance for a vote to be cast. The motion with the most votes will be passed.

### Executive Meetings

The executive committee shall meet on a monthly basis where date and times are to be set by an executive. The quorum of executive meetings shall be 50%+1 of executives

## Ammendments

Any registered U of T members may propose and vote on amendments to this constitution. The Executive Committee will administer the process of having amendments discussed at general

Constitutional amendments shall require a 2/3 majority to be passed at Annual General Meetings by registered U of T members in attendance.

Amendment changes will be noted in an index form at the end of the constitution.

The Executive Committee shall formally adopt the new constitution and submit the revised constitution to the respective University offices (i.e. The Office of Student Life, The University of Toronto Students’ Union, etc) within two (2) weeks of its approval by general members.

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