dockerfile and docker compose yaml files used to build docker environments
- docker compose
cd ~
git clone
cd ~/docker_env
docker compose -f csc477/docker-compose-gui.yml build
docker compose -f csc477/docker-compose-gui.yml create
This docker setup is useful when you're using your own or DH Labs Ubuntu machine or if you are accessing UTM lab machines using VNC. This setup is not tested for Windows/Mac host machines.
To get GUI access run this in every terminal of the host machine that you are running the docker container's terminal in. or you can add it to your ~/.bashrc in the hostmachine
xhost +local:docker
Start the prebuilt container
cd ~/docker_env
docker compose -f csc477/docker-compose-gui.yml start
To open docker container's terminal
docker exec -it csc477 bash
The home folder in this repo will be mounted to the docker container at /root/home inside the docker container (see file docker-compose.yml line 23). This happens when you run "docker-compose ... create". You can create your ROS workspace here and compile it from within the docker container and read its source code from the host machine using your favorite IDE. You might also have to run the following from inside the docker to access the directories and files inside home,
chmod 777 -R /root/home
Assuming you already have the docker container running and you have executed the docker exec command in the section above, you can create your catkin workspace in the terminal inside your docker container:
cd /root/home
mkdir csc477_ws/src -p
cd csc477_ws/src
Clone the CSC477 ROS packages to the new workspace,
cd /root/home/csc477_ws/src
git clone
cd /root/home/csc477_ws
Make sure you add either run
source /root/home/csc477_ws/devel/setup.bash
in every terminal you want to run nodes/launch files from this workspace or add it to ~/.bashrc by running the below in the docker container's terminal
echo "source /root/home/csc477_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
- If you are unable to access a directory or file in the host machine you created inside the docker container, run from inside the docker container,
chmod 777 <filename>
chmod 777 -R <directory name>
- Depending on your version of docker compose you either to run "docker-compose ..." or "docker compose ..."
- Make sure you have added your user to docker group inorder to run docker commands without sudo
- VSCode is not installed inside the docker. see usage instructions on how to view and edit code stored in the docker container