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feat: BackdropMaterial fallback support
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MartinZikmund committed Aug 1, 2021
1 parent 9313e67 commit dfee434
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Showing 3 changed files with 266 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;

namespace Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls
public partial class BackdropMaterial
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of the BackdropMaterial.ApplyToRootOrPageBackground XAML attached property for the target element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">The object from which the property value is read.</param>
/// <returns>The BackdropMaterial.ApplyToRootOrPageBackground XAML attached property value of the requested object.</returns>
public static bool GetApplyToRootOrPageBackground(Control element) =>

/// <summary>
/// Sets the value of the BackdropMaterial.ApplyToRootOrPageBackground XAML attached property for a target element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">The object to which the property value is written.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to set.</param>
public static void SetApplyToRootOrPageBackground(Control element, bool value) =>
element.SetValue(ApplyToRootOrPageBackgroundProperty, value);

/// <summary>
/// Applies the backdrop material to the root or background of the XAML content.
/// </summary>
public static DependencyProperty ApplyToRootOrPageBackgroundProperty { get; } =
new PropertyMetadata(false, OnApplyToRootOrPageBackgroundChanged));
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using System;
using System.Threading;
using Uno.Disposables;
using Uno.UI.Helpers.WinUI;
using Windows.UI;
using Windows.UI.ViewManagement;
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media;

namespace Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls
/// <summary>
/// Helper class to apply a backdrop material to the root of the XAML content.
/// </summary>
public partial class BackdropMaterial
private readonly static ThreadLocal<int> _connectedBrushCount = new ThreadLocal<int>();
private readonly static ThreadLocal<MicaController> _micaController = new ThreadLocal<MicaController>();

internal static DependencyProperty StateProperty { get; } =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("State", typeof(BackdropMaterialState), typeof(BackdropMaterial), new PropertyMetadata(null));

private static void OnApplyToRootOrPageBackgroundChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if (sender is Control control)
// When the ApplyToRootOrPageBackgroundChanged property is set on a control, create a
// object to attach to that element in a "secret" slot called BackdropMaterial.State.
// This object's lifetime manages the MicaController registration or ownership of the
// assignment of the Background property.
if (GetApplyToRootOrPageBackground(control))
control.SetValue(StateProperty, new BackdropMaterialState(control));
if (control.GetValue(StateProperty) is BackdropMaterialState state)


private static void CreateOrDestroyMicaController()
// If we are connecting the first BackdropMaterial on this thread, create and configure the MicaController.
// Or if we're disconnecting the last one, clean up the shared MicaController.
if (_connectedBrushCount.Value > 0 && _micaController.Value == null)
var currentWindow = Window.Current;

_micaController.Value = new MicaController();
if (!_micaController.Value.SetTarget(currentWindow))
_micaController.Value = null;
else if (_connectedBrushCount.Value == 0 && _micaController.Value != null)
_micaController.Value = null;

/// <summary>
/// This object gets attached to the target of the ApplyToRootOrPageBackground property to track additional
/// state that needs to be cleaned up if that target ever goes away.
/// </summary>
private partial class BackdropMaterialState : DependencyObject, IDisposable
private readonly DispatcherHelper _dispatcherHelper;
private readonly WeakReference<Control> _target;
private readonly IDisposable _themeChangedRevoker;
private readonly IDisposable _colorValuesChangedRevoker;
private readonly UISettings _uiSettings = new UISettings();
private readonly IDisposable _highContrastChangedRevoker;

private bool _isHighContrast;
private bool _isDisposed;

public BackdropMaterialState(Control target)
_dispatcherHelper = new DispatcherHelper(this);
_target = new WeakReference<Control>(target);

// Track whether we're connected and update the number of connected BackdropMaterial on this thread.

// Normally QI would be fine, but .NET is lying about implementing this interface (e.g. C# TestFrame derives from Frame and this QI
// returns success even on RS2, but it's not implemented by XAML until RS3).
if (SharedHelpers.IsRS3OrHigher())
if (target is FrameworkElement targetThemeChanged)
void OnActualThemeChanged(FrameworkElement sender, object args)

targetThemeChanged.ActualThemeChanged += OnActualThemeChanged;
_themeChangedRevoker = Disposable.Create(() => targetThemeChanged.ActualThemeChanged -= OnActualThemeChanged);

void OnColorValuesChanged(UISettings uiSettings, object args)
_dispatcherHelper.RunAsync(() => UpdateFallbackBrush());

_uiSettings.ColorValuesChanged += OnColorValuesChanged;
_colorValuesChangedRevoker = Disposable.Create(() => _uiSettings.ColorValuesChanged -= OnColorValuesChanged);

// Listen for High Contrast changes
var accessibilitySettings = new AccessibilitySettings();
_isHighContrast = accessibilitySettings.HighContrast;

void OnHighContrastChanged(AccessibilitySettings sender, object args)
_dispatcherHelper.RunAsync(() =>
_isHighContrast = accessibilitySettings.HighContrast;

accessibilitySettings.HighContrastChanged += OnHighContrastChanged;
_highContrastChangedRevoker = Disposable.Create(() => accessibilitySettings.HighContrastChanged -= OnHighContrastChanged);


public BackdropMaterialState() => Dispose();

public void Dispose()
if (!_isDisposed)
_isDisposed = true;


private void UpdateFallbackBrush()
if (_target.TryGetTarget(out var target))
if (_micaController.Value == null)
// When not using mica, use the theme and high contrast states to determine the fallback color.
ElementTheme GetTheme()
// See other IsRS3OrHigher usage for comment explaining why the version check and QI.
if (SharedHelpers.IsRS3OrHigher())
if (target is FrameworkElement targetTheme)
// TODO Uno specific: ActualTheme always returns Default now, which is invalid
// this specific needs to be reverted when #3302 is implemented.
return Application.Current?.RequestedTheme == ApplicationTheme.Light ? ElementTheme.Light : ElementTheme.Dark;
//return targetTheme.ActualTheme;

var value = _uiSettings.GetColorValue(UIColorType.Background);
if (value.B == 0)
return ElementTheme.Dark;

return ElementTheme.Light;
var theme = GetTheme();

Color GetColor()
if (_isHighContrast)
return _uiSettings.GetColorValue(UIColorType.Background);

if (theme == ElementTheme.Dark)
return MicaController.DarkThemeColor;
return MicaController.LightThemeColor;
var color = GetColor();

target.Background = new SolidColorBrush(color);
// When Mica is involved, use transparent for the background (this is so that the hit testing
// behavior is consistent with/without the material).
target.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));
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using Windows.UI;

namespace Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls
internal class MicaController
internal static readonly Color DarkThemeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 32, 32, 32);
internal const float DarkThemeTintOpacity = 0.8f;

internal static readonly Color LightThemeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 243, 243, 243);
internal const float LightThemeTintOpacity = 0.5f;

internal bool SetTarget(Windows.UI.Xaml.Window xamlWindow)
// Uno specific: Actual Mica is not yet supported on any target.
return false;

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