Basic Qubes network viewer, using networkx, and stripped networkx_viewer
Use on management qube
Displays Qubes network configuration - allows user to control qubes (start/shutdown).
Uses appropriate label colours
Highlights any Templates that are connected to a netvm
Change display name, hide or highlight qubes and paths for sharing.
Roll over to display qube information.
Install networkx, networkx_viewer
Generate data file from:
qvm-ls -O name,netvm,label,klass,template,IP,IPBACK,GATEWAY,visible_ip,visible_netmask,visible_gateway --raw-data >> list11
To start/shutdown qubes, edit the permission files in /etc/qube-rpc/policy/ -
admin.vm.Start and admin.vm.Shutdown
Or use include/admin-global-rwx
To have read only permissions, edit include/admin-global-ro
TBD: Add to action menus - qvm-prefs?
TBD: Add ability to create notes
TBD: Remove nulls- - they are weighting the display badly and confuse - why is 'None' treated as a node?
TBD: Show status.
TBD: Make graph update
TBD: Make interactive control - drag node to change netvm?
TBD: Make interactive control - Select Edge to configure firewall?