This is vimpro - ViM Project management. It only includes a basis and an upload script yet.
bash, ncftp (with ncftpput) and ssh for sftp file transfers
Put in $PATH
create .vimpro in $HOME and put plist and the sample config in in (see doc/samples/)
modify .vimrc in $HOME and add this line which binds upload on F5:
map <F5> :w<CR>:silent<CR>:! "$(pwd)/%"<CR>
modify the project-config (see testprj.conf)
open a file within your configured project and press F5 in command mode
Copying Files in scp mode relies on the scp comand that comes with the standard ssh packages. Due to the fact that scp does not accept a password as an argument scp mode only works with ssh-keys in place