A command line based editor inspired by vi/vim written in Nim.
This project's goal is a very customizable, high productivity, user friendly, high performance and funny animation editor.
Written in Nim
Adopt GapBuffer
UTF-8 and other encodings support (Incomplete)
Vim like mode (Normal, Insert, Visual, Replace, Ex, Filer)
Vim like keybinds
Infinite undo/redo
Syntax highlighting (Nim, C, C++, C#, Java, Yaml, JavaScript, Python)
Configuration file (TOML)
Configuration mode
Live reload of the configuration file
Vertical/Horizontal split window
Tab line
Simple file manager
Indentation lines
Auto close/delete paren
Simple auto indent
Incremental search
Auto save
Suggestions in ex mode
VSCode themes
Build on save
Multiple status line
Automatic backups
Highlight current words
Highlight/Delete trailing spaces
Vim like register
Supports regular expression and PEG
Supports EditorConfig
Window management
Syntax checker
Spell checker
Git support
Select data structures
Edit files over ssh
Language Server Protocol
Fuzzy search
Supports huge file
Funny animation...
Nim 1.4.2 or higher
xclip v0.13 or higher (Option on GNU/Linux)
xsel (Option on GNU/Linux)
# Latest released version
nimble install moe
# Latest developmental state inside Github repository
nimble install moe@#head
Check detail
moe is a recursive acronym for "moe is an optimal editor".
And one more, it comes from the Japanese slang 萌え(moe).
Ask me anything!
GNU General Public License version 3