An MCP9808 digital temperature sensor driver for the Espressif Systems' ESP32.
This is a simple driver which builds upon the ESP-IDF I2C driver and adds a few functions to make it easy to read ambient temperature, etc.
It does not configure or install the I2C driver - this must be done by the user.
Add the repository as a submodule (or clone it) into your components/
$ git submodule add components/mcp9808
Next, setup I2C and then init the MCP9808 driver and read ambient temperature.
#include "mcp9808.h"
void app_main()
// TODO: Setup I2C as you see fit
// - i2c_param_config
// - i2c_driver_install
mcp9808_config_t mcp_config;
mcp_config.address = 0x18;
mcp_config.i2c_num = I2C_NUM_1;
mcp9808_handle_t mcp;
uint16_t mcp_manuf_id;
uint16_t mcp_device_id;
if (mcp9808_init(&mcp_config, &mcp, &mcp_manuf_id, &mcp_device_id) != ESP_OK)
float temperature;
if (mcp9808_ambient_temp(mcp, &temperature) != ESP_OK)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Temperature: %f", temperature);