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uniGradICON: A Foundation Model for Medical Image Registration



  • 🔥 uniGradICON Slicer Extension is available in 3D Slicer 5.7.0 Extensions Manager (12/2024)
  • 🏆 multiGradICON wins the best oral presentation at 2024 MICCAI Workshop for Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR) (10/2024)
  • 🔥 uniGradICON has been used as a baseline in LUMIR Brain MRI Registration Challenge (6/2024)


uniGradICON is based on GradICON but trained on several different datasets (see details below). The result is a deep-learning-based registration model that works well across datasets. More results can be found here. To get you started quickly there is also an easy to use Slicer extension.


This is the repository for the following papers

uniGradICON: A Foundation Model for Medical Image Registration
Tian, Lin and Greer, Hastings and Kwitt, Roland and Vialard, Francois-Xavier and Estepar, Raul San Jose and Bouix, Sylvain and Rushmore, Richard and Niethammer, Marc

multiGradICON: A Foundation Model for Multimodal Medical Image Registration
Demir, Basar and Tian, Lin and Greer, Thomas Hastings and Kwitt, Roland and Vialard, Francois-Xavier and Estepar, Raul San Jose and Bouix, Sylvain and Rushmore, Richard Jarrett and Ebrahim, Ebrahim and Niethammer, Marc
MICCAI Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR) 2024

Easy to use and install

The pre-trained uniGradICON and multiGradICON can be used via CLI, colab notebook, and Slicer Extension. The model weights will be downloaded automatically. You can also find the model weights here.

👉 Inference via CLI


python3 -m venv unigradicon_virtualenv
source unigradicon_virtualenv/bin/activate

pip install unigradicon

To register one pair of image


unigradicon-register --fixed=RegLib_C01_2.nrrd --fixed_modality=mri --moving=RegLib_C01_1.nrrd --moving_modality=mri --transform_out=trans.hdf5 --warped_moving_out=warped_C01_1.nrrd

To register without instance optimization (IO)

unigradicon-register --fixed=RegLib_C01_2.nrrd --fixed_modality=mri --moving=RegLib_C01_1.nrrd --moving_modality=mri --transform_out=trans.hdf5 --warped_moving_out=warped_C01_1.nrrd --io_iterations None

To use a different similarity measure in the IO. We currently support three similarity measures

  • LNCC: lncc
  • Squared LNCC: lncc2
  • MIND SSC: mind
unigradicon-register --fixed=RegLib_C01_2.nrrd --fixed_modality=mri --moving=RegLib_C01_1.nrrd --moving_modality=mri --transform_out=trans.hdf5 --warped_moving_out=warped_C01_1.nrrd --io_iterations 50 --io_sim lncc2

To load specific model weight in the inference. We currently support uniGradICON and multiGradICON.

unigradicon-register --fixed=RegLib_C01_2.nrrd --fixed_modality=mri --moving=RegLib_C01_1.nrrd --moving_modality=mri --transform_out=trans.hdf5 --warped_moving_out=warped_C01_1.nrrd --model multigradicon

To warp an image

unigradicon-warp --fixed [fixed_image_file_name] --moving [moving_image_file_name]  --transform trans.hdf5 --warped_moving_out warped.nii.gz --linear

To warp a label map

unigradicon-warp --fixed [fixed_image_file_name] --moving [moving_image_segmentation_file_name]  --transform trans.hdf5 --warped_moving_out warped_seg.nii.gz --nearest_neighbor

👉 Inference via colab notebook

We provide a colab notebook where the users can directly access and visualize the output of uniGradICON network.

👉 Inference via Slicer Extension

A Slicer extensions is available here. It is an official Slicer Extension and can be installed via the Slicer Extension Manager. This requires Slicer >=5.7.0. Please make sure to install the Slicer PyTorch extension before as uniGradICON depends on it.

Training and testing data

uniGradICON has currently been trained and tested on the following datasets.

Training data:

Dataset Anatomical region # of patients # per patient # of pairs Type Modality
1. COPDGene Lung 899 2 899 Intra-pat. CT
2. OAI Knee 2532 1 3,205,512 Inter-pat. MRI
3. HCP Brain 1076 1 578,888 Inter-pat. MRI
4. L2R-Abdomen Abdomen 30 1 450 Inter-pat. CT

Testing data:

Dataset Anatomical region # of patients # per patient # of pairs Type Modality
5. Dirlab-COPDGene Lung 10 2 10 Intra-pat. CT
6. OAI-test Knee 301 1 301 Inter-pat. MRI
7. HCP-test Brain 32 1 100 Inter-pat. MRI
8. L2R-NLST-val Lung 10 2 10 Intra-pat. CT
9. L2R-OASIS-val Brain 20 1 19 Inter-pat. MRI
10. IXI-test Brain 115 1 115 Atlas-pat. MRI
11. L2R-CBCT-val Lung 3 3 6 Intra-pat. CT/CBCT
12. L2R-CTMR-val Abdomen 3 2 3 Intra-pat. CT/MRI
13. L2R-CBCT-train Lung 3 11 22 Intra-pat. CT/CBCT

Get involved

Our goal is to continuously improve the uniGradICON model, e.g., by training on more datasets with additional diversity. Feel free to point us to datasets that should be included or let us know if you want to help with future developments.


UniGradICON is set up to work with Itk images and transforms. So you can easily read and write images and display resulting transformations for example in 3D Slicer.

The result can be viewed in 3D Slicer:

📄 Citation

If you find this repository useful, please consider citing:

  title={unigradicon: A foundation model for medical image registration},
  author={Tian, Lin and Greer, Hastings and Kwitt, Roland and Vialard, Fran{\c{c}}ois-Xavier and San Jos{\'e} Est{\'e}par, Ra{\'u}l and Bouix, Sylvain and Rushmore, Richard and Niethammer, Marc},
  booktitle={International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention},
  title={MultiGradICON: A foundation model for multimodal medical image registration},
  author={Demir, Ba{\c{s}}ar and Tian, Lin and Greer, Hastings and Kwitt, Roland and Vialard, Fran{\c{c}}ois-Xavier and Est{\'e}par, Ra{\'u}l San Jos{\'e} and Bouix, Sylvain and Rushmore, Richard and Ebrahim, Ebrahim and Niethammer, Marc},
  booktitle={International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration},