A bridge between Rack and JWSGI, allows running Rack applications on JRUBY via uWSGI
It is the first attempt to heavily test the possibility of the JVM plugin in uWSGI
Be sure to have at least uWSGI 1.9.12 (if it is still not released use the code from github), and build it with JWSGI support
(you need python and java/jni development headers)
UWSGI_PROFILE=jwsgi make
Install jruby in your system (only version 1.7.4 has been tested)
Finally build the jwsgi-rack java class
javac -cp <path_to_jruby.jar>:<path_to_uwsgi.jar> jwsgi_rack.java
and make a handy jar:
jar cvf jwsgi_rack.jar *.class
; bind to http port
http-socket = :9090
; automatically route requests to the jvm plugin
http-socket-modifier1 = 8
; spawn 8 jvm threads
threads = 8
; enable post-buffering to allow rewind of request body (as required by rack specs)
post-buffering = 8192
; add jar (or directories) to the java CLASSPATH
jvm-classpath = <path_to_uwsgi.jar>
jvm-classpath = <path_to_jruby.jar>
jvm-classpath = <path_to_jwsgi_rack.jar>
; set jruby options (this is an OSX installation)
jvm-opt = -Djruby.home=/Library/Frameworks/JRuby.framework/Versions/Current
jvm-opt = -Djruby.lib=/Library/Frameworks/JRuby.framework/Versions/Current/lib
; load the adapter
jwsgi = jwsgi_rack:application
; pass it the path of a config.ru file (this is a virtual option)
jwsgi-rack = config.ru
; decomment it for enabling bundler
; jwsgi-rack-bundler = true
Virtual options cannot be set from command line. You have to use -S
uwsgi -S jwsgi-rack=config.ru -S jwsgi-rack-bundler=true ...
The jvm uWSGI build system tries to search for jvm/jni installation in well-known paths. If you have installed java in non-standard paths, check the official documentation on: http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/JVM.html
If you use the "gold" linker instead of the classic "ld", the LD_RUN_PATH environment variable will not be honoured. That means you need to set the path of libjvm.so with LD_LIBRARY_PATH when you run the "uwsgi" command