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umijs/max + antd的父级项目和两个子项目,父项目中切换子项目时提示:Router basename="/oms"> is not able to match the URL "/pms/" because it does not start with the basename, so the <Router> won't render anything. #333

umijs/max + antd的父级项目和两个子项目,父项目中切换子项目时提示:Router basename="/oms"> is not able to match the URL "/pms/" because it does not start with the basename, so the <Router> won't render anything.

umijs/max + antd的父级项目和两个子项目,父项目中切换子项目时提示:Router basename="/oms"> is not able to match the URL "/pms/" because it does not start with the basename, so the <Router> won't render anything. #333