Docker images for the Fedora (fcrepo) applications.
These Docker images are defined in external repos, and must be built separately before deploying the umd-fcrepo-docker stack.
- (from umd-fcrepo-fixity):
cd ~/git git clone [email protected]:umd-lib/umd-fcrepo-fixity.git cd umd-fcrepo-fixity docker build -t .
- (from umd-fcrepo-fuseki):
cd ~/git git clone [email protected]:umd-lib/umd-fcrepo-fuseki.git cd umd-fcrepo-fuseki docker build -t .
- (from umd-fcrepo-messaging):
cd ~/git git clone [email protected]:umd-lib/umd-fcrepo-messaging.git cd umd-fcrepo-messaging docker build -t .
- (from umd-fcrepo-solr):
cd ~/git git clone [email protected]:umd-lib/umd-fcrepo-solr.git cd umd-fcrepo-solr docker build -t .
- (from umd-fcrepo-webapp):
cd ~/git git clone [email protected]:umd-lib/umd-fcrepo-webapp.git cd umd-fcrepo-webapp docker build -t .
See the umd-fcrepo Local Development Setup instructions for information about setting up umd-fcrepo using this repository, as well as options for setting up Plastron and Archelon.
image can be used to run fixity checking,
using the command:
docker run <SCRIPT_ARGS>
where <SCRIPT_ARGS> are the arguments to pass to the script.
For example, when running against the Docker stack on a Mac:
docker run --server host.docker.internal:61613
Multiple command line options can be provided to the script, i.e.:
docker run --server host.docker.internal:61613 --age P6M
This stack uses a debugging SMTP server implementation as the destination server for outgoing fixity failure notification emails. This server uses the Python aiosmtpd library, and does not actually deliver the emails. Instead, it just echoes the contents (headers and body) to STDOUT. To monitor these emails, use:
docker service logs -f umd-fcrepo_mail
- ActiveMQ admin console: http://localhost:8161/admin
- Solr admin console: http://localhost:8983/solr/#/
- Fuseki admin console: http://localhost:3030/
- Fedora repository REST API: http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/
- Fedora repository login/user profile page: http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/user/
The base stack starts 2 PostgreSQL containers, each containing a single database:
Container Name | Port | Database Name |
modeshape-db | 5432 | fcrepo_modeshape5 |
audit-db | 5433 | fcrepo_audit |
These can be accessed from the host using the psql command-line tool:
# Modeshape database backing the repository
psql -U fcrepo -h localhost -p 5432 fcrepo_modeshape5
# audit database
# archelon user has read-only access to the history table
psql -U archelon -h localhost -p 5433 fcrepo_audit
# camel user has read/write access to the history table
psql -U camel -h localhost -p 5433 fcrepo_audit
Database initialization scripts:
Each of the images may also be built and run individually. See the README files for each image for more information: