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AppCore is a cross-platform app runtime module for Ultralight that provides platform-specific window creation, events, message loops, and GPU context creation / drawing.

You should use AppCore only if you intend to build a standalone HTML-based desktop application (ala Electron).

For lower-level integration, (eg, for rendering within an existing game engine), you should instead use the lower-level Ultralight API (eg, Renderer::Create()) which grants you the ability to render Views offscreen to a pixel buffer using the CPU renderer.

For more information see our Docs.

The following GPU back-ends are used on each platform:

Platform GPU Driver
Windows Direct3D 11
macOS Metal
Linux OpenGL 3.2 (GLFW)

Downloading pre-built binaries

Pre-built binares are uploaded to the following S3 buckets every commit:

Click any of the bucket links to get an XML file listing. Download a package by appending the filename to the bucket URL.

You'll need the following:

Setting up on Windows

  1. Install Visual Studio 2019 (Free Community Edition works fine). Remember to select the C++ packages.
  2. Install Chocolatey (
  3. Run the following from command line:
choco install cmake ninja

Setting up on macOS

  1. Install Xcode Command Line Tools (or the full Xcode package).
  2. Download the macOS 10.14 Platform SDK from and extract it to /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk.
  3. Install Homebrew (
  4. Run the following from the Terminal to setup the needed homebrew packages:
brew install cmake ninja

Setting up on Linux (Debian 9.5+)

To get everything on Linux, just type the following:

sudo apt install cmake ninja-build clang lld-4.0 libx11-dev xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev

Building from source

Building on Windows

To build AppCore for Windows / 64-bit:

make release x64

Building Debug on Windows

To build AppCore with debug symbols:

make debug x64

Building on Windows with locally-built dependencies

By default, the build scripts in this repo fetch pre-built dependencies from our servers.

To build AppCore using locally-built dependencies in the /deps folder (really only useful if you need to build against modified modules/deps):

make release x64 local

Building on macOS and Linux

To build for macOS/Linux:


Build products

Build products will be in <build_dir>/out.

If your checkout is up-to-date, a 7zip release archive will also be generated in <build_dir>.