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peterss edited this page Nov 24, 2011 · 7 revisions

Localization of MDS

In version 2.2.2 of MDS support for localization was added. This covers most of the browser user interface.

Language is automatically selected depending on your browser headers. You can switch manually via links at the bottom of each page.

What is not localized:

  • API messages and documentation
  • Mails

Available Language

  • French (v2.2.4)
  • German (v2.2.2)
  • English (from the beginning)

How to help translating MDS

First fork MDS. There are three resource bundles which should be translated:

Copy each of these files and add the language ISO code, e.g. if you want to add a French translation. Then translate each of the phrases in the properties files. Simply remove lines you cannot or do not want to translate. The English phrase is always used as a fall back if no translation is present.

UTF-8 should be used as encoding.

There are some placeholders (e.g. {0}) which have to be preserved.

Note: Some of the resource bundles are auto generated by our framework. Therefor some phrases are doubled, especially in For example Allocator and Datacentre share most of the fields, but the labels and tool-tips have to be provided separately. Also there could be some phrases which are never used (e.g. schemaService), but we try to eliminate those. Again: If you don't know what a field is about simply remove the line from your localized properties file.

If you have finished your translation work, do a pull request. We will do all the other changes needed (adding flag icon and link for manual language change).

Translation Status

You can see a Translation Report on our Continous Integration Server. This report is triggered by github and reflects the translation status of the latest commit to master branch.


There are some tools helping you in maintaining the resource bundles, e.g. JRC-Editor or Eclipse ResourceBundle Editor

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