The coolest fabric library mod on the internet, which has 0 (zero) dependencies.
Javadoc can be found here for the latest version, or at
for older versions.
- A simple yet powerful config system, which also provides utilities for config screens.
- Only this for now... but more will come soon™️ ! (ideas and feedback are appreciated :D)
Add the following to your
(see above shield or the maven repo for version info):
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
modApi "net.uku3lig:ukulib:${project.ukulib_version}"
// you can also include it directly if you don't want your users to download it
include "net.uku3lig:ukulib:${project.ukulib_version}"
Development versions
Development version numbers end with -build.<build number>
, e.g. 0.2.2+1.19.2-build.65
They are not guaranteed to be stable or even work at all, but they are available if you want to test the latest changes.
They are also not published to the maven repo, so you have to add the following to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url ""
Ukulib provides an api class, UkulibAPI
, which you can extend to integrate your mod's config screen with ukulib. Example:
public class YourUkulibAPIClass implements UkulibAPI {
public Function<Screen, AbstractConfigScreen<?>> supplyConfigScreen() {
return parent -> new YourConfigScreen(parent, ...);
You then need to add the ukulib
entrypoint in your fabric.mod.json
"entrypoints": {
"ukulib": [
Massive thanks to Tuta for their support!