An experimental vim plugin for Deno
- Neovim
- Deno
- Node.js (Not required if you don't use ALE integration)
repo = 'uki00a/vim-deno'
build = 'npm install' # If you want to use tsserver integration via ALE
Run the current buffer using deno run
Format the current buffer using deno fmt
Run tests for the current file using deno test
Lint the current buffer using deno lint
Show documentation for the current file using deno doc
This plugin provides ALE integration. The following linters are defined in ale_linters/typescript directory:
- lints the file usingdeno lint
- provides tsserver integration using typescript-deno-plugin.
When you want to use deno-tsserver
, run the following command in the root directory of this plugin:
$ npm install
By default, ALE run all available linters. If you limit ALE to use linters provided by this plugin, add the following setting to your init.vim
let g:ale_linters = {}
let g:ale_linters['typescript'] = ['deno', 'deno-tsserver']
- Add support for Vim
- Implement DenoRun command
- Implement DenoLint command
- Improve DenoTest command
- ALE integration
- tsserver integration
- LSP integration?