zombiequeuetool is not developed and maintained by Solace.
It is currently only tested against PubSub+ software brokers (VMRs), not appliances. But most probably, it will works with appliances without any issues.
zombiequeuetool is written in go, based on the Solace Legacy SEMP protocol.
Every second, get a list of queues, that have no consumer bound to them. Repeat that for the given duration.
All queues, that have never bound a consumer to them in that time, are meant as "unused" and are listed at STDOUT, one queue per line.
zombiequeuetool -h
Usage of ./zombiequeuetool:
Enable debug mode
delete unused queues
-duration int
how long to wait for queues without binding ? (default 10)
-filter string
Regex-filter for msg-vpn/queue-names
do not verify TLS server certificate
-password string
password for the SEMP access
-url string
URL to the SEMP service
-user string
username for the SEMP access
To uniqly identify a queue, you need also the name of the message-vpn - yes, you can have the same queue name in multiple message-vpns.
The output format is: msg-vpn-name@queue-name
All regexes supported from the go-regexp-package can be used to filter the output - for both parts: msg-vpn-name and queue name.
To be short: have a look at
go doc regexp/syntax
to see a full description on supported regexes.
zombiequeuetool -filter 'q.2'
but not: