ws-issue-bot is a Python script using Flask and python-gitlab to set scoped labels on Gitlab Issues. Target project for this bot is
This is done by listing for Issue and Merge Requests Webhooks.
When there is a new issue and the user is a member of group Developer or Maintainer or Owner the label ws-status::confirmed is set. Otherwise when there is no ws-status:: label the label ws-status::unconfirmed is set.
When there is a new Merge Request which mentions an issue, the bot set label ws-status::in-progress for this issue.
When a issue is closed and it was closed by a MR label ws-status::fixed is set. Otherwise label ws-status::closed is set.
The label ws-status::waiting-for-response can't be automated. Therefore it has to be set manually.
- An API token with API permissions for the project is needed (would make sense to use a dedicated user for this).
- A platform running a WSGI/Reverse proxy stack (for example nginx and gunicorn or AWS Elastic Beanstalk).
- The environment variables GITLAB_HOOK_SECRET and GITLAB_API_TOKEN have to be set to run the bot.
- Configured Issues and Merge request event Webhooks in the project settings menu. A secret token must be set.