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Ulf Frisk edited this page Jan 19, 2025 · 2 revisions

MemProcFS on macOS

MemProcFS is supported on macOS with some limitations (see below). However; MemProcFS will only analyze Windows memory images - not Linux or macOS memory!

MemProcFS is dependent on macFuse which may be downloaded and installed from here.


  • MemProcFS as a mounted file system depends on macFuse which requires a .kext to be installed.
  • MemProcFS API availability is: C/C++/Rust. Python and Java APIs are not yet supported on macOS.


MemProcFS is dependent on macFuse. When building it's recommended to have installed xcode as well as macFuse via homebrew.

Example Build Commands:

~$  brew install macfuse
~$  mkdir build
~$  cd build
~/build$  git clone
~/build$  git clone
~/build$  cd LeechCore/leechcore
~/build/LeechCore/leechcore$  make -f Makefile.macos
~/build/LeechCore/leechcore$  cd ../../MemProcFS/vmm
~/build/MemProcFS/vmm$  make -f Makefile.macos
~/build/MemProcFS/vmm$  cd ../memprocfs
~/build/MemProcFS/memprocfs$  make -f Makefile.macos
~/build/MemProcFS/memprocfs$  cd ../files
### NOTE! before running memprocfs it's recommended to copy the file 'info.db' from the latest binary
### release at and put it alongside memprocfs binary.
### info.db is an sqlite database which contains common type and symbol offsets required for some tasks.
~/build/MemProcFS/files$  ./memprocfs -device <your_dumpfile_or_device> -mount <your_full_mount_point>
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