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ufrisk edited this page Apr 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

The sys/tasks directory

The directory sys/tasks exists as a sub-directory to the file system root.

The directory and its sub-directories contains information about scheduled tasks extracted from the registry.

The files in the sys/tasks directory are listed in the table below:

File Description
tasks.txt Summary information about all scheduled tasks.
by-guid/[guid]/registry/ Service registry key.
by-guid/[guid]/taskinfo.txt Detailed information about each scheduled task.
by-name/[name]/registry/ Service registry key.
by-name/[name]/taskinfo.txt Detailed information about each scheduled task.

Files in the sys/tasks directory and sub-directories are read-only except for binary registry key/values.

File: tasks.txt

The file tasks.txt contains summary information about the scheduled tasks. The meaning of the different columns are as follows:

   # Task GUID                              Task Name                            Time (Most Recent)      User     Command Line :: Parameters
0000 {E1C54205-C98A-4568-99F5-F069A71C9733} \CreateExplorerShellUnelevatedTask   2019-03-07 15:09:07 UTC Author   C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE :: /NOUACCHECK
0001 {B313253F-006F-4A3C-88E6-09226D66275B} \DolbySelectorTask                   2019-03-29 09:41:11 UTC Author   %ProgramFiles%\Dolby Digital Plus\ddp.exe :: -autostart
0002 {C78F9350-0638-4EEC-8232-02454A55F44A} \DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore        2019-03-29 14:18:00 UTC Author   C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe :: /c

File: by-guid/[guid]/taskinfo.txt   and   by-name/[name]/taskinfo.txt

The file taskinfo.txt contains detailed information about each scheduled task as shown below:

Name:       Diagnostics
Path:       \Microsoft\Windows\DiskFootprint\Diagnostics
User:       System
Command:    %windir%\system32\disksnapshot.exe
Parameters: -z
GUID:       {240478A4-B7D2-43B1-AF21-626C77E72C1F}
RegLastWr:  2017-03-18 21:06:25 UTC
Create:     2018-10-11 13:50:43 UTC
LastRun:    2019-03-28 15:09:04 UTC
Completed:  2019-03-28 15:09:05 UTC


The example shows the sys/tasks directory with the summary information and detailed information about one scheduled task.

For Developers

The sys/tasks sub-directory is implemented as a built-in native C-code plugin. The plugin source is located in the file m_sys_task.c in the vmm project.

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