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tomaz1502 committed Dec 17, 2024
1 parent 0901b50 commit 2b397a5
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Showing 3 changed files with 271 additions and 36 deletions.
17 changes: 6 additions & 11 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Int/Core.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2021-2023 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS and their
institutional affiliations. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Tomaz Gomes Mascarenhas, Abdalrhman Mohamed
Authors: Adrien Champion

namespace Int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ theorem neg_neg_iff_pos : -a < 0 ↔ 0 < a := ⟨Int.pos_of_neg_neg, Int.neg_neg
theorem neg_nonpos_iff_nonneg : -a ≤ 00 ≤ a :=
⟨Int.nonneg_of_neg_nonpos, Int.neg_nonpos_of_nonneg⟩

@[simp] protected
theorem sub_pos : 0 < a - b ↔ b < a := ⟨Int.lt_of_sub_pos, Int.sub_pos_of_lt⟩
protected theorem sub_pos : 0 < a - b ↔ b < a := ⟨Int.lt_of_sub_pos, Int.sub_pos_of_lt⟩

@[simp] protected
theorem sub_nonneg : 0 ≤ a - b ↔ b ≤ a := ⟨Int.le_of_sub_nonneg, Int.sub_nonneg_of_le⟩
protected theorem sub_nonneg : 0 ≤ a - b ↔ b ≤ a := ⟨Int.le_of_sub_nonneg, Int.sub_nonneg_of_le⟩

protected theorem le_rfl : a ≤ a := a.le_refl
protected theorem lt_or_lt_of_ne : a ≠ b → a < b ∨ b < a := Int.lt_or_gt_of_ne
Expand All @@ -134,8 +134,6 @@ protected theorem le_iff_eq_or_lt {a b : Int} : a ≤ b ↔ a = b ∨ a < b := b
simp [Decidable.em]
protected theorem le_iff_lt_or_eq : a ≤ b ↔ a < b ∨ a = b := by rw [Int.le_iff_eq_or_lt, or_comm]

protected theorem div_gcd_nonneg_iff_of_pos
{b : Nat} (b_pos : 0 < b)
: 0 ≤ a / (a.gcd b) ↔ 0 ≤ a := by
Expand All @@ -145,12 +143,9 @@ protected theorem div_gcd_nonneg_iff_of_pos
apply Nat.gcd_pos_of_pos_right _ b_pos
exact Int.div_nonneg_iff_of_pos nz_den

protected theorem div_gcd_nonneg_iff_of_nz
{b : Nat} (nz_b : b ≠ 0)
: 0 ≤ a / (a.gcd b) ↔ 0 ≤ a :=
protected theorem div_gcd_nonneg_iff_of_nz {b : Nat} (nz_b : b ≠ 0) : 0 ≤ a / (a.gcd b) ↔ 0 ≤ a :=
Nat.pos_of_ne_zero nz_b |> Int.div_gcd_nonneg_iff_of_pos

theorem mul_nonneg_iff_of_pos_right (c_pos : 0 < c) : 0 ≤ b * c ↔ 0 ≤ b := ⟨
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285 changes: 265 additions & 20 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Rat/Core.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ Authors: Abdalrhman Mohamed
import Batteries.Logic
import Batteries.Data.Rat

namespace Rat
import Smt.Reconstruct.Int.Core

namespace Rat

section basics

Expand All @@ -22,23 +23,273 @@ protected def pow (m : Rat) : Nat → Rat
instance : NatPow Rat where
pow := Rat.pow

protected theorem add_zero : ∀ a : Rat, a + 0 = a := by
theorem num_divInt_den (q : Rat) : q.num /. q.den = q :=
divInt_self _

theorem mk'_eq_divInt {n d h c} : (⟨n, d, h, c⟩ : Rat) = n /. d :=
(num_divInt_den _).symm

theorem divInt_num (q : Rat) : (q.num /. q.den).num = q.num := by
simp [mkRat, q.den_nz, normalize, Rat.reduced]

theorem divInt_num'
{n : Int} {d : Nat}
(nz_d : d ≠ 0 := by omega)
(reduced : n.natAbs.Coprime d := by assumption)
: (n /. d).num = n := by
simp [mkRat, nz_d, normalize, reduced]

theorem divInt_den (q : Rat) : (q.num /. q.den).den = q.den := by
simp [mkRat, q.den_nz, normalize, Rat.reduced]

theorem divInt_den'
{n : Int} {d : Nat}
(nz_d : d ≠ 0 := by omega)
(reduced : n.natAbs.Coprime d := by assumption)
: (n /. d).den = d := by
simp [mkRat, nz_d, normalize, reduced]

def numDenCasesOn.{u} {C : Rat → Sort u}
: ∀ (a : Rat) (_ : ∀ n d, 0 < d → (Int.natAbs n).Coprime d → C (n /. d)), C a
| ⟨n, d, h, c⟩, H => by rw [mk'_eq_divInt]; exact H n d (Nat.pos_of_ne_zero h) c

def numDenCasesOn'.{u} {C : Rat → Sort u} (a : Rat)
(H : ∀ (n : Int) (d : Nat), d ≠ 0 → C (n /. d))
: C a :=
numDenCasesOn a fun n d h _ => H n d ( h)

def numDenCasesOn''.{u} {C : Rat → Sort u} (a : Rat)
(H : ∀ (n : Int) (d : Nat) (nz red), C (mk' n d nz red))
: C a :=
numDenCasesOn a fun n d h h' ↦ by
let h_pos := h
rw [← mk_eq_divInt _ _ h_pos h']
exact H n d h_pos _

theorem normalize_eq_mk'
(n : Int) (d : Nat) (h : d ≠ 0) (c : Nat.gcd (Int.natAbs n) d = 1)
: normalize n d h = mk' n d h c :=
(mk_eq_normalize ..).symm

protected theorem normalize_den_ne_zero
: ∀ {d : Int} {n : Nat}, (h : n ≠ 0) → (normalize d n h).den ≠ 0 := by
intro d n nz
simp only [Rat.normalize_eq, ne_eq]
intro h
apply nz
rw [← Nat.zero_mul (d.natAbs.gcd n)]
apply Nat.div_eq_iff_eq_mul_left _ _ |>.mp
· assumption
· exact Nat.gcd_pos_of_pos_right _ (Nat.pos_of_ne_zero nz)
· exact Nat.gcd_dvd_right _ _

protected theorem eq_mkRat : ∀ a : Rat, a = mkRat a.num a.den := fun a => by
simp [Rat.mkRat_def, a.den_nz, Rat.normalize_eq, a.reduced]

theorem mk'_zero (d) (h : d ≠ 0) (w) : mk' 0 d h w = 0 := by
apply Nat.coprime_zero_left d |>.mp w

theorem eq_iff_mul_eq_mul {p q : Rat} : p = q ↔ p.num * q.den = q.num * p.den := by
conv =>
rw [← num_divInt_den p, ← num_divInt_den q]
apply Rat.divInt_eq_iff <;>
· rw [← Int.natCast_zero, Ne, Int.ofNat_inj]
apply den_nz

end basics

section le_lt_basics

protected theorem not_le {q' : Rat} : ¬q ≤ q' ↔ q' < q := by
exact (Bool.not_eq_false _).to_iff

protected theorem not_lt {q' : Rat} : ¬q < q' ↔ q' ≤ q := by
rw [not_congr (Rat.not_le (q := q') (q' := q)) |>.symm]
simp only [Decidable.not_not]

protected theorem add_assoc : ∀ a b c : Rat, a + b + c = a + (b + c) := by
protected theorem lt_iff_blt {x y : Rat} : x < y ↔ x.blt y := by
simp only []

protected theorem le_iff_blt {x y : Rat} : x ≤ y ↔ ¬ y.blt x := by
simp [LE.le]

protected theorem lt_asymm {x y : Rat} : x < y → ¬ y < x := by
simp [Rat.lt_iff_blt]
simp [Rat.blt]
intro h
cases h with
| inl h =>
simp [Int.not_lt_of_lt_rev h.1, Int.not_le.mpr h.1, Int.le_of_lt h.1]
intro nz_ynum ynum_neg _
apply ynum_neg
apply Int.lt_of_le_of_ne h.2
intro h
apply nz_ynum
rw [h]
| inr h =>
split at h
case isTrue xnum_0 =>
simp [Int.not_lt_of_lt_rev h, xnum_0, h]
case inr xnum_ne_0 =>
let ⟨h, h'⟩ := h
simp [Int.not_lt_of_lt_rev h']
cases h
case inl h =>
simp [h]
intro _ xnum_pos
apply h
apply Int.lt_of_le_of_ne xnum_pos
intro eq ; apply xnum_ne_0 ; rw [eq]
case inr h =>
simp [ h |> Int.not_lt_of_lt_rev]
intro eq
rw [eq] at h

end le_lt_basics

section add_basics

variable (a b c : Rat)

protected theorem add_comm : a + b = b + a := by
simp [add_def, Int.add_comm, Int.mul_comm, Nat.mul_comm]

protected theorem add_zero : ∀ a : Rat, a + 0 = a
| ⟨num, den, _h, _h'⟩ => by
simp [Rat.add_def]
simp only [Rat.normalize_eq_mkRat, Rat.mk_eq_normalize]

protected theorem zero_add : 0 + a = a :=
Rat.add_comm a 0 ▸ Rat.add_zero a

protected theorem add_assoc : a + b + c = a + (b + c) :=
numDenCasesOn' a fun n₁ d₁ h₁ =>
numDenCasesOn' b fun n₂ d₂ h₂ =>
numDenCasesOn' c fun n₃ d₃ h₃ => by
simp only [
ne_eq, Int.natCast_eq_zero, h₁, not_false_eq_true, h₂,
Rat.divInt_add_divInt, Int.mul_eq_zero, or_self, h₃
rw [Int.mul_assoc, Int.add_mul, Int.add_mul, Int.mul_assoc, Int.add_assoc]
congr 2

end add_basics

section mul_basics

variable {a b : Rat}

protected theorem mul_eq_zero_iff : a * b = 0 ↔ a = 0 ∨ b = 0 := by
· simp only [Rat.mul_def, Rat.normalize_eq_zero]
intro h
cases h
· apply Or.inl
rw [Rat.eq_mkRat a, Rat.mkRat_eq_zero]
exact a.den_nz
· apply Or.inr
rw [Rat.eq_mkRat b, Rat.mkRat_eq_zero]
exact b.den_nz
· intro
| .inl h => simp only [h, Rat.zero_mul]
| .inr h => simp only [h, Rat.mul_zero]

protected theorem mul_ne_zero_iff : a * b ≠ 0 ↔ a ≠ 0 ∧ b ≠ 0 := by
simp only [not_congr (@Rat.mul_eq_zero_iff a b), not_or, ne_eq]

protected theorem mul_assoc (a b c : Rat) : a + b + c = a + (b + c) :=
numDenCasesOn' a fun n₁ d₁ _h₁ =>
numDenCasesOn' b fun n₂ d₂ _h₂ =>
numDenCasesOn' c fun n₃ d₃ _h₃ => by
simp only [Rat.divInt_ofNat]
exact Rat.add_assoc _ _ _

end mul_basics

section num_related

variable {q : Rat}

theorem neg_neg : - -q = q := by
rw [← Rat.mkRat_self q]
simp [Rat.neg_mkRat]

theorem num_eq_zero : q.num = 0 ↔ q = 0 := by
induction q
· rintro rfl
exact mk'_zero _ _ _
· exact congr_arg num

protected theorem mul_assoc (a b c : Rat) : a * b * c = a * (b * c) := by
theorem num_ne_zero : q.num ≠ 0 ↔ q ≠ 0 := not_congr num_eq_zero

theorem num_nonneg : 0 ≤ q.num ↔ 0 ≤ q := by
simp [Int.le_iff_lt_or_eq, instLE, Rat.blt, Int.not_lt]

theorem nonneg_iff_sub_nonpos : 0 ≤ q ↔ -q ≤ 0 := by
rw [← num_nonneg]
conv => rhs ; simp [LE.le, Rat.blt]

theorem nonneg_sub_iff_nonpos : 0 ≤ -q ↔ q ≤ 0 := by
simp [nonneg_iff_sub_nonpos, Rat.neg_neg]

theorem num_nonpos : q.num ≤ 0 ↔ q ≤ 0 := by
conv => lhs ; rw [← Int.neg_nonneg]
simp [Rat.neg_num q ▸ @num_nonneg (-q)]
conv => rhs ; rw [← nonneg_sub_iff_nonpos]

theorem not_nonpos : ¬ q ≤ 00 < q := by
simp [Rat.lt_iff_blt, Rat.blt]
rw [← num_nonpos]
exact Int.not_le

theorem num_pos : 0 < q.num ↔ 0 < q := by
let tmp := not_congr (num_nonpos (q := q))
rw [Int.not_le] at tmp
simp [tmp, Rat.not_nonpos]

theorem pos_iff_neg_nonpos : 0 < q ↔ -q < 0 := by
rw [← num_pos]
conv => rhs ; simp [Rat.lt_iff_blt] ; unfold Rat.blt ; simp
constructor <;> intro h
· apply Or.inl
exact h
· let h : 0 < q := by
cases h
case inl h => exact h
case inr h => exact h.2.2
apply num_pos.mpr h

theorem num_neg : q.num < 0 ↔ q < 0 := by
let tmp := @num_pos (-q)
simp [Rat.neg_num q, Int.lt_neg_of_lt_neg] at tmp
rw [tmp]
apply Rat.neg_neg ▸ Rat.pos_iff_neg_nonpos (q := -q)

theorem num_neg_eq_neg_num (q : Rat) : (-q).num = -q.num :=

end num_related

section le_lt_extra

variable {x y : Rat}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,8 +322,6 @@ protected theorem ne_of_lt : x < y → x ≠ y := by

end le_lt_extra

section nonneg

variable (x : Rat)
Expand All @@ -90,8 +339,6 @@ protected theorem nonneg_antisymm : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ -x → x = 0 := by

end nonneg

section neg_sub

variable {x y : Rat}
Expand All @@ -104,13 +351,13 @@ protected theorem neg_sub : -(x - y) = y - x := by
rw [Nat.mul_comm dx dy]
· rw [← Int.neg_ediv_of_dvd]
rw [Int.neg_mul, ← Int.sub_eq_add_neg, Int.neg_sub]
rw [Int.neg_mul, ← Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
rw [← Int.sub_eq_add_neg, Int.neg_sub]
rw [← Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
rw [← Int.natAbs_neg, Int.neg_sub]
· conv => lhs ; arg 1 ; arg 2 ; rw [← Int.natAbs_ofNat (dy * dx)]
exact Int.gcd_dvd_left
· rw [Int.neg_mul, ← Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
rw [Int.neg_mul, ← Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
· rw [← Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
rw [← Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
rw [← Int.natAbs_neg, Int.neg_sub]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,8 +444,6 @@ protected theorem sub_nonneg {a b : Rat} : 0 ≤ a - b ↔ b ≤ a := by

end neg_sub

section divInt

Expand All @@ -218,7 +463,7 @@ protected theorem divInt_le_divInt
rw [Rat.divInt_add_divInt]
simp [Rat.divInt_nonneg_iff_of_pos_right (Int.mul_pos d0 b0)]
rw [← Int.sub_nonneg (a := c * b)]
rw [Int.neg_mul, ← Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
rw [← Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
· apply d0 |>.2 |>.symm
· apply b0 |>.2 |>.symm

Expand Down

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