Pico v.1.0 - ready!
Provides an online contact formular only for bootstrap driven sites. I use bootstrap 3.1.1, but it should also run on newer versions
- Extract a copy of the files to the folder "PicoContactModal" into your Pico install "plugins" folder.
- Place the following in your
file an insert your data
// Modal Contact Form Configuration
$config[ 'PicoContactModal' ] = [ 'enabled' => TRUE,
// description in the modal above the form fields
'TitleH4' => 'Kontakt aufnehmen',
'IntroTextForLaregeScreens' => 'Bitte füllen Sie folgende Formular Felder aus und klicken dann auf "jetzt senden". Bei erfolgeicher Übermittlung der Nachricht, bekommen Sie eine Bestätigung eingeblendet.',
'SubIntroTextForAllScreens' => 'Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht.',
// text description left of the form fields
'TextForNameField' => 'Ihr Name',
'TextForEmailField' => 'E-Mail Adresse',
'TextForMessageField' => 'Ihre Nachricht',
'TextOnSubmitButton' => 'jetzt senden',
// error massages below the input fields
'MissingName' => 'Bitte ihren Namen eintragen',
'MissingEmailAddress' => 'Bitte E-Mail Adresse angeben',
'WrongEmailAddress' => 'Schreibfehler der E-Mail Adresse',
'MissingMessage' => 'Bitte eine Nachricht schreiben',
// alert messages after form is send
'MessageSendSuccessHeading' => 'Nachricht erfolgreich übertragen!',
'MessageSendSuccessText' => 'Danke für Ihre Nachricht. Wir werden Ihr Anliegen zeitnah bearbeiten.',
'MessageServerErrorHeading' => 'Server Fehler!',
'MessageServerErrorText' => 'Bitte rufen Sie uns an und lassen Sie uns den Fehler wissen.',
// the e-mail you will recive with contact information
'MyMailSubject' => 'my company - Anfrage über Formular',
'MyMailSomeSenderName' => 'Server - my.domain',
'MyMailToAddress' => '[email protected]',
'MyMailLineDescForName' => 'Name:',
'MyMailLineDescForEmail' => 'E-Mail:',
'MyMailLineDescForMEssage' => 'Comment:',
// instead of captcha, we use a minimum time in seconds, which needs to pass between open
// the form and sending it. robots need a small time to do that. A human needs more time to fill in name, email and text,
// then send the form. If the time is less then in this option, the form will output a success message, but no
// mail got sent ;-) The default value is 8 seconds, but can be adjusted.
'MinTimeInSecondsForHumanToWriteMessage'=> '8'
- uncomment bootstrap-alert in your index.html file within the themes/bootstrap/ folder, if not already uncommented
<script src="{{ theme_url }}/assets/js/bootstrap/alert.js"></script>
- to call the contact form, just enclose the text or button or anything else between %contact_start% and %contact_end%, eg:
%contact_start%get in touch%contact_end%
- Thats it, have fun :)
hope you like this. if something goes wrong, ask me