A pedagogical solver for the 2D Helmholtz equation, using a Fourier Pseudospectral method.
%% Setup
N = 128; % number of grid points in each direction
size_x = 10/1000; % Domain size [m]
dx = size_x / N; % step size [m]
omega = 2*(10^6)*2*pi; % angular frequency [rads/s], 2*pi*f_0
c0 = 1300; % Homogeneous speed of sound [m/s]
abs_coeff = zeros(N,N); % absorption coefficient [dB/cm]
src_location = [25,35]; % Source location in gridpoints
pml_size = 15; % PML size in gridpoints
sigma_star = 4*omega; % Maximum PML amplitude
% run the GMRES Helmholtz solver
p = heterog_helmholtz_solver(omega, c0, abs_coeff, dx, N, src_location, pml_size, sigma_star);
Please visit the Documentation.md file for information on how to use the solver.
Antonio Stanziola - @astanziola