The Computation Workshop at the University of Chicago cordially invites you to attend this week's event. We welcome the new class of MACSS students, greet our returning second year's, and invite all faculty and guests to mingle with our students, discuss big ideas, and celebrate the first Computation Workshop of the academic year.
A light lunch will be provided by Snail Thai Cusine.
Students in the Masters of Computational Social Science program are expected to attend and join the discussion by posting a comment on the issues page of the workshop's public repository on GitHub.
Before the Fall Welcome Mixer, each of you will:
- Think about whom and what you'd like to see at our workshop, and suggest (each proposal as a separate issue):
- At least one University of Chicago speaker you would like to hear from (e.g., Ali Hortaçu),
- At least one non-University of Chicago speaker you would like to hear from (e.g., Duncan Watts),
- at leas one topic you would like to hear about (e.g., algorithms and discrimination)
- Optionally, an organization such as company, nonprofit, government agency you’d like to have present
- Then, upvote (“thumbs up”) at least 5 proposals from other people.
Our next workshop will also be abnormal, on Thursday, October 10, but from 4-5:20pm, rather than the typical 11-12:20 slot, and with light dinner rather than lunch on the topic of “Big Data in Medicine” including renowned historian of medicine Jeremy Greene and a distinguished University of Chicago faculty panel. (We understand that some may not be able to attend from class conflict, but others are expected to attend).
Our regular workshop format will recommence the following week with our Faculty Director, James Evans, presenting a paper titled "Science and Technology Advance through Surprise.
The 2019-2020 Computation Workshop meets on Thursdays from 11 to 12:20 p.m. The workshop will be held in Hinds Laboratory 101 during the Fall quarter. All interested faculty and graduate students are welcome.