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Source Geometry

A number of packages need to deal with fault geometry including:

  • Pre-processing: Where fault geometry is used extensively to compute fault discretisation and plane rupture propagation (in type-5).
  • Velocity Model: Where fault geometry is used to help approximate the bounds of a suitable velocity model domain.
  • Visualisation Tools: Where fault geometry is plotted to help visualise ruptures or GMM model outputs.

Over and over again we keep defining common routines for working with the geometry, answering questions like:

  1. How do I find the corners of a fault?
  2. What are the closest points between two faults?
  3. How do I compute an evenly spaced set of grid points along a fault?
  4. What is the insert property of fault plane here (dip_dir, strike, dip, ...) of this fault?

The constant redefinition and re-implementation leads to needless repetition, bugs, and outdated assumptions. Examples of such assumptions and mistakes include:

  1. Always assuming dip direction is 90 degrees from strike (it isn't in NSHM2022!), and
  2. Always assuming the top depth of the fault is zero.

The constant repetitive definitions, and the differing locations we implement fault geometries begs for an implementation of source geometry that we can all agree on in a central location. This is the aim of the qcore.sources module.

Design Aims of the Sources Module

The goal of the qcore.sources module is to provide a Pythonic interface to source geometry. It must be general to accommodate new kinds of sources, and it should not depend on naming conventions that can change (type-I, type-II, etc). The definition should minimise parameter redundancy. That is, instead of providing strike, dip, length, width, bottom, top, we should let as many parameters as possible be derived. The bottom and top depth values for example, can be derived from strike, dip, length, and width values. In fact, all the essential parameters can be found ideally from the supplied corners of a fault plane in three dimensions. The fault corners, rather than the standard centroid-dip-strike-length-width-... specification we have use in the past, will now be the privileged information defining a fault. Everything else will be measured from the definition of the corners. This has a number of advantages over the old approach:

  1. It completely minimises parameter redundancy, and ensures that all the paramaters are geometrically consistent. It will now be impossible, for example, to specify a plane with inconsistent length, width and depth parameters since these will be derived from the corners of the fault.
  2. Using corners allows us to frame problems of fault geometry as problems in linear algebra. The advantage of this is that we can take advantage of the wealth of tools available in numpy, scipy, etc. In the past, we would write functions like geo.ll2gp and do everything without any vectorisation. In the future we can use matrix transformations to manipulate faults in an efficient and concise manner.

We also refrain from using inheritance hierarchies and factories to define sources, instead using simple dataclasses and duck-typing. This approach more closely matches Python development standards than, for example, factories and other gang-of-four style patterns common to Java. Accordingly, there is no Source superclass, and instead a Protocol (like an interface) that defines the functions that should exist for any object to be considered a source geometry.

What Is a Source Geometry?

A source geometry is an object with two properties:

  1. A geometric definition of its bounds. For a fault plane, this is its corners, for a point-source the bounds are the point itself.
  2. A local coordinate system. This local coordinate system is essential for finding points inside the fault. EMOD3D has its own definitions of fault-local coordinates, for example, which we pass as shyp and dhyp parameters to genslip and friends.

Note that this definition does not require the geometry to be flat like a plane, or connected, or anything. It is simply a closed and bounded region with coordinates. The choice of a general definition is to allow for the flexible addition of sources to this framework, such a rough surfaces.

Sources Used in Ground Motion Simulation

While we have five types of sources (per Source Modelling for GMSim), there are essentially only three source geometries we work with:

  1. Point Source Geometry: This is a 0-dimensional geometry consisting of a single point. The qcore.sources module uses the Point class to model the source geometry for a point.
  2. Plane Geometry: This a 2-dimensional source geometry consisting of a single plane. The extents of the geometry are its corners. The qcore.sources module uses the Plane class to model single plane geometry.
  3. Multi-Planar Geometry: This is a 2-dimensional source geometry consisting of a number of connected planes. The extents of the geometry are the corners of the end fault planes. The qcore.sources module uses the Fault class to model multi-planar geometry.

Type-1 fault are an instance of the the first geometry, type-2 faults are plane geometries, and type-4 and type-5 are multi-planar geometries.

Note that the term 2-dimensional here refers to the dimensions of the local coordinate system, rather than their appearance as "flat". Both planar and multi-planar geometry are 2-dimensional because they can be given a local coordinate system with only two parameters $(s, d)$, where $s$ is length along the strike direction and $d$ length along the dip direction. Points are 0-dimensional because their local coordinate system is just a single point.

A demonstration of the three different coordinate systems for sources.

To make the source module easy to use, we have elected to normalise all the coordinate systems so that the coordinate systems are always points $(s, d)$ where $0 \leq s \leq 1$ and $0 \leq d \leq 1$. Note that this means the boundary of any geometry always corresponds to the same set of points ${(0, t),|, 0 \leq t \leq 1} \cup {(s, 0),|, 0 \leq s \leq 1} \cup {(1, t) ,|, 0 \leq t \leq 1} \cup {(s, 1),|, 0 \leq s \leq 1}$.

Sources defined in qcore.sources will have two methods for converting back and forth between fault local and global coordinate systems:

  1. fault_coordinates_to_wgs_depth_coordinates: Going from fault-local coordinates to global coordinates.
  2. wgs_depth_coordinates_to_fault_coordinates: Going from global coordinates to fault-local coordinates if the global coordinates lie in the source geometry. Sources will raise a ValueError if the supplied coordinates are not in the domain.

For functions that expect these coordinates to exist, the HasCoordinates Protocol class allows you to require the existence of these methods without specifying a superclass.

def minimum_depth(source: HasCoordinates) -> float:
    return sp.optimize.minimize(
        lambda x: source.fault_coordinates_to_wgs_depth_coordinates(x)[2],
        np.array([1/2, 1/2]),
        bounds=(0, 1)

Answering Geometry Questions with the Sources Module

Below is a kind of cookbook demonstrating how to use the new sources module to answer source geometry questions.

Q: How do I find the corners of a geometry?

A: Assuming your geometry has corners (which it may not, if the geometry is rough), then the corners can be found simply as

source = Plane(...) # Or FaultPlane, or even Point!
corners = source.fault_coordinates_to_wgs_depth_coordinates(np.array([
    [0, 0], # top left
    [1, 0], # top right
    [1, 1], # bottom right
    [0, 1]  # bottom left

Q: How can I find the basic parameters of the geometry (strike, dip, rake, etc.)?

A: A Plane source has these defined as properties computed from the corners you supply to construct the source

plane = Plane(...)
strike = plane.strike
dip = plane.dip
dip_dir = plane.dip_dir
length = plane.length
length_metres = plane.length_m

For some geometries, some of these values are not going to be well-defined (what is the strike of a multi-planar geometry when it changes?).

Q: How can I discretise my geometry into a number of evenly spaced points?

A: Here fault-local coordinates really shine because they make discretising sources extremely trivial:

complicated_fault_geometry = FaultPlane(predefined_corners)
# define a meshgrid of points, 50 along the strike and 100 along the dip.
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, num=50), np.linspace(0, 1, num=100))
fault_local_meshgrid = np.vstack([xv.ravel(), yv.ravel()])
# Convert the fault local coordinates into global coordinates
global_point_meshgrid = (

Q: How can I find the closest points between two fault geometries?

A: Again, having a local coordinate system turns this into a simple problem. Here is the straight-forward implementation of closest points in the qcore.sources module:

source_a = ... # some source geometry like FaultPlane
source_b = ... # some source geometry like Fault

def fault_coordinate_distance(fault_coordinates: np.ndarray) -> float:
    source_a_global_coordinates = (
    source_b_global_coordinates = (
    return coordinates.distance_between_wgs_depth_coordinates(
        source_a_global_coordinates, source_b_global_coordinates

res = sp.optimize.minimize(
    np.array([1 / 2, 1 / 2, 1 / 2, 1 / 2]),
    bounds=[(0, 1)] * 4,

# Now the res.x value contains four elements
# [ s_a, d_a, s_b, d_b ]
# where (s_a, d_a) and (s_b, d_b) are the fault-local coordinates of
# the two closest points between source_a and source_b.