We're working on a story about international students at UBC, and we want to add some data visualizations to provide additional context.
The project will consist of two parts:
a) Which countries students come from - we want to create heatmap of the world that shows which countries send the most students to UBC.
Basically a better version of this:
b) How has international enrolment changed over time? - in addition to country of citizenship, we also want to see how the percentage of international students has changed over time.
We should be able to accomplish this with a multi-series line chart, where each line represents a different faculty. Here's an example:
The datasets for each part are in the data folder of this repo.
International student enrolment (2007-2016)
The map and chart can both be built using D3.js.
DataMaps is a handy D3 extension for map visualizations. The second example on the homepage is very close to what we want to build.
Here's an example of a multi-series line chart build with D3: https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3884955