More and more tools and projects by and for libraries are becoming available on the internet. We would like to curate a list of various software, tools, resources and projects, which are useful when working within a library context.
At the moment, this is a single list, but at some point, we should group the links as some categories emerge.
Contributions welcome.
Inspired by these curated collections. Also note awesome-rse for a list of resources for Research Software Engineers and Engineering (RSE).
- Catmandu - Catmandu provides a suite of Perl modules to ease the import, storage, retrieval, export and transformation of metadata records.
- DAIA - Specification of Document Availability Information (DAIA).
- elasticsearch - Distributed, scalable, and highly available search index.
- esbulk - Parallel elasticsearch bulk indexing utility for the command line.
- esdump - Export data from elasticsearch.
- - Fatcat is a versioned, user-editable catalog of research publications including journal articles, conference proceedings, and datasets.
- FOLIO - FOLIO is a collaboration of libraries, developers and vendors building an open source library services platform.
- Koha - Koha is a fully featured, scalable library management system.
- lodmill - Blend, grind, and enjoy LOD – fresh from the mill!
- marctools - Various MARC command line utilities.
- Metafacture - A toolkit for processing semi-structured data with a focus on library metadata.
- PAIA - The Patrons Account Information API (PAIA) is a HTTP based programming interface to access library patron information, such as loans, reservations, and fees.
- pymarc - pymarc is a python library for working with bibliographic data encoded in MARC21.
- RecordManager - A metadata record management system written in PHP, intended to be used in conjunction with VuFind or another Solr-based discovery interface.
- SOLR - Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene.
- solrbulk - SOLR bulk indexing utility for the command line.
- solrdump - Export documents from SOLR fast.
- SolrMarc - SolrMarc is a utility that reads in MaRC records from a file, extracts information from various fields as specified in an indexing configuration script, and adds that information to a specified Apache Solr index.
- Tika - The Apache Tika™ toolkit detects and extracts metadata and text from over a thousand different file types (such as PPT, XLS, and PDF).
- VideLibri - Download lists of book metadata from a library catalog/opac for offline use, renew borrowed books and notify about due dates.
- VuFind - A library resource discovery portal designed and developed for libraries by libraries.
- yaz - YAZ is a programmers toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients and servers.
The list here is based on the excellent Analysis on Open Source Publishing Tools of John W Maxwell, Erik Hanson, Leena Desai, Carmen Tiampo, Kim O'Donnell, Avvai Ketheeswaran, Melody Sun, Emma Walter, Ellen Michelle from Simon Fraser University.
- Dat Project, An open and decentralized research data tool
- Dokieli
- Editoria
- Electric Book
- Enhanced Networked Monographs
- epub.js
- Fidus Writer
- Fulcrum
- Grobid
- HIRMEOS OA Metrics
- Hy-phen
- Hyphenopoly
- Hypher
- Hypothesis
- Janeway
- Jupyter Notebooks, Awesome Jupyter
- KaTeX
- le-tex Transpect
- Lens
- Libero Producer
- Libero Publisher
- Libero Reviewer
- Lodel
- Manifold Scholarship
- MathJax
- Mukurtu
- Omeka
- Open Typesetting Stack
- Open Journal Systems
- Open Monograph Press
- paged.js
- Pandoc
- Paperbuzz
- Phenom Reviewer
- Phenom Screener
- Pressbooks
- Prose Mirror
- PubPub
- PubSweet
- Quire
- Readium
- Rebus Ink
- Rua
- Scalar
- Shiny
- Stencila
- Tectonic
- Texture
- Vega
- Vivliostyle
- Wax
- XSweet
- Zotero
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.