Releases: ubiq/pyrus-legacy
Releases · ubiq/pyrus-legacy
Looking for Testers for Pyrus. You need to be able to run a local wallet. This is initial testing which will be running Pyrus locally and reporting any issues to Github Issues.
We still need to a) Rebrand graphics b) Rebrand the CSS c) Further test out server-side
Here are the testing steps
- Download the precompiled version below (pyrus_dist_20170511.tgz)
Download Pyrus from Github
Build it. steps are run "npm install" then "gulp"
Run a local Gubiq. command: gubiq --rpc --rpccorsdomain "null" --keystore "dont_put_secret_files_here_ever"
Open index.html in the dist directory
Configure a local node. You will then be connected and ready to test.