Deprecation Warning: cassette has some known limitations and is not maintained anymore, we recommend using vcrpy instead.
Cassette stores and replays HTTP requests made in your Python app.
import urllib2
import cassette
# If the request is not already stored in responses.yaml, cassette
# will request the URL and store its response in the file.
r = urllib2.urlopen("")
# This time, the request response must be in the file. The external
# request is not made. cassette retrieves the response from the
# file.
r = urllib2.urlopen("")
assert "A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET" in
Cassette also supports the requests library.
import requests
r = requests.get("")
Note that requests stored between different libraries may not be compatible with
each other. That is, a request stored with urllib2
might still trigger an external
request is the same URL is requested with requests
$ pip install cassette
Latest documentation:
cassette is available under the MIT License.
Copyright Uber 2013, Charles-Axel Dein <[email protected]>